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Saving Yourself While Writing #amwriting #amediting #itorturemyself

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Have you ever been so deep into your current body or bodies of work and you forget about...  everything, everyone, and yourself?
Me after shopping
The past few weeks have been like that for me. Trying to push the clock, when I am my time keeper, has revealed a real monster. Me.

Unintentionally, I setup a goal that was beyond human endurance and worked myself into a peripherally damaged state of health and literally heard my body say- and my mind shout, "you're gonna die."
Long story short, I wasn't eating well, if I ate at all. Most days it would be 3pm or later before I remembered I hadn't eaten or drunken anything all day. And that's after waking at 3 - 4 in the morning.
 Result, I began noticing when I stood to walk, 2 or 3 steps was all I could manage until my heart rate skyrocketed like the beat would burst through the veins at the side of my neck, steal all of my energy, make me feel like vomiting, and the edges of my world dimmed. I literally felt like I was dying.

After a few more days of this, I vowed I would do better and take care of myself, while in the grocery store (for some healthy eats) I began to feel as if I were shutting down. My hearing was diminishing, sight, strength. I had to leave the shopping to my daughter and encourage myself to take the steps to the car. All the time my brain kept saying, you're gonna die. Who am I, an author, not to listen to the voices in her head? I believed myself and decided to fight against it.

Now, I have a loving sister-from-another-mother, who texts me throughout the day to remind me to take care of myself. I've set a timer for every 20 minutes to remind me to drink water and every 3 hours to eat something nutritional.
Best of all, I pulled out the mineral drops, feel energized and ready to live again.
Moral of the story: you are more important than anything you can write. 

Whats your story that would have made you the main character in a novel of ill advice?

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    Would you like to read a sample of my writings in other genres? Download a free copy of, " WHEN ONE DOOR CLOSES" At Smashwords HERE Put in code: XR83E
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