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The Choosing of a Platform. I'm all About the Demand for Action in Life

          Something to think about, huh? I found my writing platform and have started tap dancing on it. The premise fits my style so well. I have read a lot about the need for having one and could never really figure out what to build on, now I know.
After following a few articles from recommendations on Twitter I became aware of headlines which fit so well with manuscripts I have been working on. I found it amazing how close headlines fit to the works of the written word. 

I shared my platform on a friend's  when I first began writing and received some cool feedback. Finding a Platform

   My platform is based on the premise life demands action. Whether it is nonfiction, YA depicting bullying and teen pregnancy, picture books teaching morals and life skills, the controversy of abortions and infertility, or a novel featuring love and the running from said love. Making a statement will be the goal.
There are many things happening in the world which ticks me the hell off. I, as a citizen in the ‘real’ world can’t change society with a flick of my hand, but my laptop keys can kick butt and change fallacies. I can write people to fulfill my dreams. I can have them do what needs to be done and get away with it.
   Because I think a proven rapist (especially of a child) should be caught, then beaten to death on the spot. Because I am tired of injustices in the judicial system where it seems sexual predators, pedophiles, and deviants have lenient sentences or get away with their crime-  I wrote the novel, The Fishing Trip, where the good guy is the grey matter.

In The Fishing Trip a man named Durham takes revenge on all of the child molesters in the small town where he lived as a child. This town where perverts are prevalent. In the novel some of the most violent and horrendous acts on children are performed and the abusers faced no consequences  or retribution.
In my opinion anyone who has the sick mind to rape and/or commit other acts of violence on children, should just accept the fact they will die without a trial. 
I know it’s not as easy as black and white in the real judicial world, but I bet if redemption fell hard on creeps like that, this sort of crime would end quickly, I'm just sayin'. The book has received some pretty good reviews, so far. All which have made me start working on a set of books to match.
There are other countries that don't play with this aspect of society. In the hope of helping people get to know my characters I developed a blog where I interview the characters from my books. THE FISHING TRIP @ In the Chair .
Come over and get to meet them.
         My life demanding action platform (which must have been festering in my subconscious) caused me to write Beads on a String America's Racially Intertwined History. You can learn all about the reasons behind this enormous feat HERE.
        The Perfect Solution which is about a woman who decides she wants a certain child, and she goes and takes him. Or should I say, he is given to her by the teacher entrusted with his care. The book goes all into the negligence that can be found in the childcare center profession Bertha Wall, the owner of the center was the first characters to sit In the Chair.  
        These are just a few of my steps unto my platform. I shall be polishing my words, strengthening my platform and building me a bookshelf. Because I shall write the best novels and I will need a place to put all my published books.

About the Author: I am a caged in frustrated author of thought provoking, mind bending e-books, an occasional step-in parent, a fountain of knowledge, and ready to share. Knowing me as a writer and author is like cracking an egg’s shell in the air and wondering how far the splatter will spread. All of my books are available for direct purchase  through my web page along with all the traditional place.
Web: Wade-In Publishing http://wade-inpublishing.com
Amazon US http://amzn.to/wade-inbooks

         What do you think about this approach?   Do you steer clear of controversy?    Would you like to change the world with your writing?   Have you decided what your writing platform should be?

 I love it when I get feedback.Please leave me some
  • YeamieWaffles: I already love Ey Wade's style of writing and I haven't even checked out her blog yet. I'm so glad that you feel like you've finally found your platform and wish you the best of luck in your book and future Ey.
  • Ciara: Being a mother who has witnessed two men, who worked around my children and church and the YMCA, be arrested for this, I'd like to see a better system. Thank goodness my kids were safe. I guess being paranoid with my kids has paid off.
  • L. Diane Wolfe: We do need a better system. I was lucky I established my platform early, as everything revolves around my speaking now.
  • Karen Lange: Thank you, Lee, for sharing Ey with us! I find her approach refreshing and thought provoking.
  • cleemckenzie: I love "poetic justice," and I when I write anything I think about it. It's something that doesn't often happen in real life, but it's something that can happen if we want it to in our stories. The thing to avoid when poetic justice is uppermost in your mind and you're typing away is the cliche. That's the hard part.Great to meet you here on Tossing It Out!
  • Alex J. Cavanaugh: Tough subjects to tackle but somebody has to!
  • Lena Winfrey Seder: Ey, glad you have found your platform. And it really helps to be passionate for a cause and to write about it. Writing should be used as a positive tool to make change in the world. And sometimes there needs to be some controversy to force things to get done. Good luck on your book and in everything you do!
  • Theresa Milstein: Arlee, thanks for introducing me to Ey Wade. Life demands action is a wonderful philosophy. I do shy away from topics on my blog, but I don't think anything would be off limits in a book, if the idea/character came to me.
  • Carol Kilgore: I agree with Theresa.
  • P V Ariel: Hi Arlee,Good to be here again.Good Post Indeed, but can't fully agree with the punishment she wants to give the guilty. Its practically not possible, but at the same time they must not escape the law of the land. They must be rewarded with severe punishments, but not to the utmost of killing, that is to be left out to the creator of the universe. Thanks Arlee for introducing her thru these pages. Best,Philip
  • J.L. Campbell: Ey sounds like quite a radical. As a writer, I tell my stories even if the subjects are controversial. I wouldn't be true to myself if I avoid telling a tale that I have strong feelings about.
Ey Wade: Thanks so much everyone for stopping by. I appreciate you liking my writing YeamieWaffles. Thanks for sharing Shelly. Ciara it's really scary not knowing who to trust with the care of your children. Which is why I wrote the novel, The Perfect Solution. After so many years in the profession I have seen a lot.
Again all thank you so much for your comments. I'll be watching to see your writings.
  • DM T Mathieson: The Fishing Trip is a great book and it's impossible not to love Durham.One of Ey's greatest strengths as a writer is her ability to 'tell it like it is'. She's not afraid to speak up for the little people and so that's what she does. Don't ever stop Ey, they need you.
Ey Wade: Thank you so much, MT. I'm so glad you enjoyed the book. I have so much more to talk about, I'm no where near stopping.
  • nutschell: I actually agree with Ey in terms of this sexual predators. I think it's the worst possible crime--maybe worse than taking a person's life, is taking his dignity. I'm definitely going to read this book! Nutschell www.thewritingnut.com
Ey Wade: Thank you so much. Nutschell I'm really sure you will like The Fishing Trip. Of course I think its a fantastic book, but I've heard from others the book is pretty good.
  • Christine Rains: I'd definitely like to see a better system. As a mother, I'm petrified of anything like that happening to my child. As for my writing, it's more for fun than controversy. My heroines are usually very morale, though, only because that's how I am.

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