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Jumping into Control of Wade-In Publishing & Selling on Ganxy

I about Ganxy from a fellow author, Bettye Griffin. I was entranced with the idea of selling my books through my website. When I found out it was possible on the blog and Facebook and 90% of the profit would be mine, my desire became all consuming.  Problem was, I was still with my publisher and could do nothing on my own, with the books that were still connected to them.

This past week or so, big changes were made and the beast had to come out. Afraid, yet determined, I took the reigns of my publishing career, and have jumped in all kinds of directions. The learning capabilities when you have all the control, liberating. After the training of publishing to Amazon, Createspace and Smashwords- this was a walk in the park. I found Online Converter, (a program Bettye suggested) to be the best thing since Cheetos,I love it. The site converts documents into files like ePub,mobi,PDF and others.

Make sure to follow Ganxy's instructions and name each file with the book's title, your name,and the format. Even though I love the idea of having sales directly from my link because I receive more of the money, I added the link to other retailers for those who would prefer to purchase from their favorite online store. The finished products are shown below. I still have the history and picture books to add, but so far, this has been a marvelous experience. I have blogs for each of the novels and have added the showcases to the respective pages. and on my  "Buy Directly From Me" Pinterest board.
As an author there are a few good  reasons to use Ganxy:
  1.  The 90% royalty is a major plus, compared to the much lower of Amazon and BN.
  2. Being able to control contests dates, downloads of free books, price changes, promotional campaigns, and discounts automatically and quickly.
  3. Customer service is terrific.
  4. And there are other ways of promoting
If you decide to take on the Author Showcase for your own self-publishing business, please email Lonnie Rosenbaum at Ganxy- lonnie@ganxy.com let him know you read it here.

 Here's to believing in self and sales!
What's your thoughts?

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