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KA-POOWIE and the Day is Over

Follow @jumpouttheboat
Writing - in steps life and

 WHIZ! BANG! POW!- and the day is over.
There are many things in life that causes a pause in the act of writing.  Nothing kills the joy faster than a family issue.  Usually,  I walk through it and keep on going. Not today.
Having to deal with an elderly parent who decides, after months of healing from a couple of strokes, that she can jump in her car and take a short road trip- is mind numbing. 

Unable to get her to believe otherwise, I anxiously watched her drive away. Seriously,  the urge to struggle and yank the keys from her hand had been overwhelming, but I'm not her mother and I'm just not prepared (mentally) to live with her once I do.
I could literally feel my brain swelling,  my eyes popping,  and my neck constricting. The pain took over as swift and lethal as flame to gas and BAM!! A migraine.
Thank God she was gone no more than an hour, but my planned extensive writing day is KA-POOWIE

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