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Press Kits
Review of Not a Sound, Not a Peep
HarriRomney This review is from: Not a Sound. Not a Peep (In My Sister's World) (Kindle Edition)
A short story written in narrative verse. The author has found a lovely
way of explaining to children not to be frightened of the dark. Being a
mother myself this is an experience shared and related to, which was
enjoyed and easily understood by my children. Kindle, Smashwords , Sony or Kobo, Scribed
Between the Two of Them
HarriRomney This review is from: Between the Two of Them (In My Sister's World) (Kindle Edition)
A nice little children's story. It described a child's imagination, thought processes and role (as a sibling) perfectly.Nice little illustrations too.
Nook and iPad here & here.
One The Kid's will Love,
sjp (uk)This review is from: Who Will Hug the Sun? (In My Sister's World) (Kindle Edition)
This review is from: Who Will Hug the Sun? (In My Sister's World) (Kindle Edition)
This is a beautiful short children's story. Very cleverly written, with a
wonderfully moving story line. My children loved this story when I read
it. It also included a very clever little method of explaining to
children what happens during an eclipse (making a difficult concept
understandable for them).
Kindle, Smashwords , Sony or Kobo, ScribedNook and iPad here & here.