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I Write, I Breathe

I am a writer....a master and protector of words. "Like a knife, words should be handled carefully. They can cut deeply, the wound may never heal, and the scars may remain for an eternity. Or they can be used to make space to plant a seed - where fruition births legacy and feeds generations on hope, goodness, and love of humanity." ~Ey Wade

Ey Isadora-Lyphe Wade

Ey Isadora-Lyphe Wade

Reader's Giving Kudos

Reader's Giving Kudos
They like me. They really like me.
"Looking forward to reading more of Ey Wade's books!"Janet Brown

"Ms. Wade, WOW, that's my feeling right now, after reading your book...I will be reading more of your work. "Cassondra

"Ey Wade takes words and paints the picture..." SeaWitch

"Ey Wade is a talented author and I definitely will be reading more of her work and expecting more good works from her."Lisa

Ey Wade is genius! Keke Chanel

The first book I read by my next author spotlight blow me away. The way she intertwined her characters and the powerful message it conveyed caught me by a pleasant surprise. I experienced so many emotions reading the book, I didn’t understand why. Not until I realized one of the characters hit too close to home. Life happens. It will be okay. These are the things Ey’s book zapped me with. Since then, I have become a fan. Her writing style is different, different meaning, off the charts! Once you read one, you won’t be able to stop until you read them all. Kickin’ It With KeKe…

You Can Request Free Review Copies

If you’d like to request a copy of any of my novels to review, please contact Ey Wade imtheauthor@gmail.com Please put 'request for review copy' in subject line. I also love working with bloggers and other reviewers!

You can see all of our new books (including previews) through the links on our Web site, Wade-In Publishing.com. You can also grab pins @itsmeeywade on Pinterest.com
Download a copy of the catalog. "They're My Stories & I'm Sticking to Them."


Beads on a String- nonfic. bit.ly/WeAreBeads


There are millions of them

When Clouds Touch - FATED ROMANCE

When Clouds Touch - FATED ROMANCE
Fixes the Fault in the Stars

Birth of Controversies #abortion #infertility

Birth of Controversies #abortion #infertility
Companion Novels. The Abortion story can't be written in one narrative.

Tripping Prince Charming- A Romance of S(h)orts (USAToday rec)

Tripping Prince Charming- A Romance of S(h)orts (USAToday rec)
Three friends join their love stories to create a whimsical romance.

The Fishing Trip

The Fishing Trip
When do you cross the line between hero and monster?


In My Sister's World - 6 book series

Adventures of the Amazing Jett(jet)

Read Debneys Journal- NA NOVEL

Read Debneys Journal- NA NOVEL
D.N.A-Nothing Would Ever Be The Same

The Interviewed Character


Read interviews from some outstanding authors & their novel's characters.
Enjoy intimate, light hearted conversations with the characters from many of the stories in my ebooks. A way to really get to know the people you read about. They talk on Wednesdays and Fridays. Have fun reading the interviews with the characters.


So, since you are here, why don't you take a peek through each door and visit a couple of my blog sites.Bang on THE DRUMS and view book trailers. Touch THE BUG to go to my parenting site. Any and everything you want to know about Ey Wade /Wade-In Publishing, you learn by a few easy clicks. Email me at imtheauthor@gmail.com


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Picture Books- Reviews & Press Kit

Follow @jumpouttheboat

All publications by Ey Wade can be found at these locations. Go out and feed your reader!
Kindle, Smashwords , Sony or Kobo, Scribed
Nook and iPad here  and; here.

 Read interviews with the author 
See Ey, Hear Ey at Various Venues Pinterest:
Press Kits 


What would you do to ease the fears of your child’s nightmares? NOT A SOUND, NOT A PEEP shows how the family in prose and illustrations handles the nightmares of Mhia, the youngest child in the family. Part of a series of picture books featuring 3 African-American little girls titled In My Sister's World.

Review of Not a Sound, Not a Peep
HarriRomney This review is from: Not a Sound. Not a Peep (In My Sister's World) (Kindle Edition)
A short story written in narrative verse. The author has found a lovely way of explaining to children not to be frightened of the dark. Being a mother myself this is an experience shared and related to, which was enjoyed and easily understood by my children. Kindle, Smashwords , Sony or Kobo, Scribed
Nook and iPad here and; here.

BETWEEN THE TWO OF THEM explores the advantages and disadvantages of being the middle child and shows how Gillean discovers she has the uniqueness of being the only sister with the ability to be either the eldest or the youngest child in the family. Part of a series of picture books featuring 3 African-American little girls titled In My Sister's World. 
 Between the Two of Them
HarriRomney This review is from: Between the Two of Them (In My Sister's World) (Kindle Edition)
A nice little children's story. It described a child's imagination, thought processes and role (as a sibling) perfectly.
Nice little illustrations too.

Kindle, Smashwords , Sony or Kobo, Scribed
Nook and iPad here & here.


 Mhia is so upset about not being able to hug the sun her mom tell her the story of the antics the sun goes through to get a hug and she learns a little science in the end. Who Will Hug the Sun is part of a series of picture books titled IN MY SISTER’S WORLD The series features young African-American sisters and their view of the world around them.

 One The Kid's will Love
sjp (uk)This review is from: Who Will Hug the Sun? (In My Sister's World) (Kindle Edition)
"Who Will Hug the Sun," is a fantastically written children's book. Ms Wade, has written this in a way which will not only captivate our children, but the artwork which accompanies it is just perfect. I think this is definitely one for our younger readers.

This review is from: Who Will Hug the Sun? (In My Sister's World) (Kindle Edition)
This is a beautiful short children's story. Very cleverly written, with a wonderfully moving story line. My children loved this story when I read it. It also included a very clever little method of explaining to children what happens during an eclipse (making a difficult concept understandable for them). Kindle, Smashwords , Sony or Kobo, Scribed
Nook and iPad here & here.

Book Marketing

Book Marketing

The Art of Marketing Yourself

The Art of Marketing Yourself
Debra Owsley

Reach Your Promotional Goals- LaShaunda Hoffman

Reach Your Promotional Goals- LaShaunda Hoffman
For the Love of Marketing

Publishing Info You Need to Know

Publishing Info You Need to Know

About the Craft of Fiction & Writing

Submissions. Published to Death

Book Marketing Buzz

Book Marketing Buzz

Build Book Buzz

Build Book Buzz
Sandra Beckwith


See Ey, Hear Ey on Blog Visits and Audio Interviews

See Ey, Hear Ey on Blog Visits and Audio Interviews
(Pinterest)Interviews With Other Bloggers

Audio Interviews. Your Chance to Hear Me Live on Internet Radio Interviews.

Audio Interviews. Your Chance to Hear Me Live on Internet Radio Interviews.
Sometimes I'm Nervous(Soundcloud)

Chatting with Nefertiti

Chatting with Nefertiti
Ey Wade, Denny Jenkins, & Stash Hall 2

Visiting, Through the Looking Glass with Kinia Colbert

Visiting, Through the Looking Glass with Kinia Colbert

Through the Looking Glass

LaSuria Allman's In the Hotseat

LaSuria Allman's In the Hotseat

Giggling With Joey

Giggling With Joey
This fellow is so funny.

1st Visit with Joey Giggles

Second Visit With Joey Giggle's on Authors Nook

Ey on Book Tree Radio Show

Ey on Book Tree Radio Show
A Saturday Night Special with John T. Willis

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