Following are different blogs of awesome writers who allowed me to spill my guts on their sites. Sometimes, as writers, if we're lucky- we find ourselves sitting in the interview chair. Those times can be extremely humbling, fun, and maybe even a bit scary. Below are a few of those moments where I was blessed to be in the chair facing some really gifted people. I thank them all for the opportunity to share my work and aspirations. Enjoy.
Today we start our blog tours with Tossing it Out on the topic of finding a landing to stand on. In other words, what is your platform.
Finding a Platform: Guest Hijacker Ey Wade
Ey Wade first caught my attention a couple years ago during one of the A to Z Challenges.
Her blog posts hit controversial issues head on and
always make for some interesting and thought-provoking reading. When
you finish reading today's guest post make sure you go on over to visit
her blog. And now I'm pleased to present Ey Wade.
What do you think about Ey's approach? Do you steer clear of controversy? Would you like to change the world with your writing? Have you decided what your writing platform should be?
That was a fabulous visit on "Tossing it Out" hosted by let's continue moving on to the blog of Undeniably Chelle... with
EY: I’m a pantser. I write all across the board in several genres and on whatever subject that comes to mind.
CHELLE: Tell us a little about yourself? Who is Ey the woman?
EY: I was born in Beaumont, Texas. That’s a couple of hours from Houston and reared as an Army brat. I’ll be 58 this year. That makes it my Beddian birthday. That’s when the age of your birth is the same as the year you were born. I was born in 1958. Don’t see me reaching that milestone again. My plan is to finally get a tattoo as celebration. There has always been the constant need to speak, and writing, telling stories was the way I choose to socialize.
I used to be an activist fighting for school buses and equality in my hometown. A big believer in the education system and was a part of PTA, Campus improvements, and even ran for a public office. Too many things within the system made me back away. I am the mother of three college graduated, adult daughters that were previously home-schooled and the drooling ‘Lovey' to a little boy.
CHELLE: You have accomplished quite a bit in your life. And how commendable that you are willing to make a stand and fight for what you believe in. With all of those things mentioned in your past and current life, share with us how do you create work-life balance being an author?
EY: At the moment, I have a lot of issues with Sciatica and other back issues, so I’m home a lot. Writing has become pretty easy.
CHELLE: Describe a day around your house and in your ordinary life where writing is not key.
EY: Hmmm I wake, and do a little writing or brainstorming, between 4-5 a.m., step onto patio and water the plants, stand and watch the sky, scour the internet, answer emails, promote my works and watch TV and socialize with the family.
CHELLE: I love your schedule!!! :D
Most authors have a routine they settle into when they prepare to write. Yet, others toss routine out the window and go with the flow. Tell us about your writing routine.
EY: Toss and flow, that’s how I go. I keep a pen and paper near because I focus better if I’m old school writing, but nothing is carved in stone.
EY: I’m not on either. All that has been on my iPod for years, is what I like to listen to. All other music I grab while riding in the car listening to whatever the girls listen to.
CHELLE: Did you keep a journal or diary as a child growing up? If so, what secret did you not want your parents to read?
EY: No, I didn’t keep a journal. Once the day was over, I wanted to forget it.
CHELLE: Leave the past in the past and live for today. Okay. I like that concept. Ey, your works of art are very diverse and unique. I noticed you write across a variety of genres from women’s fiction to young adult to children’s books. What genre is your favorite? What caused you to cross genres and which would you say is the most fulfilling for you?
EY: I’d have to say my favorite genre are the picture books. Guess it stems from being a parent and working in the childcare profession for nearly 40 years. The mind of the child flips from humorous to genius so quick, I’m drawn to it. As for what caused me to crisscross over- I’m not a focused person, lol. I just go with the flow and whatever character or idea that crosses my mind, I follow it. Much like when I have a verbal conversation.
CHELLE: So it seems that you stay true to the character of you. Regarding the marketing of your books, would you say one particular genre does better than the others? If so, why do you think that is?
EY: Oh my God, I can’t answer anything about marketing when it comes to sales. I’m having a hard time with it all. Well, actually it has gotten a little bit better since I’ve left the small publisher and moved back to being totally independent. Or it can simply be, that now I can see what’s going on behind the scenes and where I need to direct my promotions.
CHELLE: I wish someone would prescribe a magic formula, or perhaps bottle it and sell it. Marketing is definitely a challenge area for many authors. What authors have influenced your writings?
EY: I can’t honestly say I was influenced by anyone. I just know I have stories in my head and want to get them out.
CHELLE: If you could pair up with another author to write, who would you choose and why?
EY: I would choose Tyler Perry. Mainly because he has a lot of influence and a superior platform. I have stories and ideas that I believe will take him from his norm and lift him to a higher level.
CHELLE: If your latest release were turned into a movie, what actors would you select to play the starring roles, and what music would comprise the soundtrack?
EY: I honestly hadn’t thought about it with these last two books.
CHELLE: How do you handle writer’s block?
EY: If I become stalled in one manuscript, I move on to another. I have so many other stories waiting in the wings that I chose to work on a plot that’s calling to me at that particular moment. For some reason, it tends to make the inhabitants of the other world jealous and they call me back with interesting scenes.
CHELLE: I love that and I can definitely relate. Mountains or the beach?
EY: I prefer mountains, hopefully there is vegetation and shade. I love plants and can’t handle burning in the sun.
CHELLE: You’re one of the few visitors who preferred the mountains. That’s my choice too, because of the seclusion and beauty. It stirs creativity. Provide one marketing tip for upcoming authors that has worked for you.
EY: Join and/or establish Facebook groups. The knowledge, support, and camaraderie is outstanding.
CHELLE: I agree. Especially in groups, such as B.R.A.B. and See Ya On The Net promo group. If there was one thing you would want your readers to know after reading your works, what would it be?
EY: I would love for readers to have a new or open perspective on daily assumptions on how life and the reactions of others, work. Things are rarely if ever, what they seem on the surface.
CHELLE: I agree. I think people often jump to conclusions a bit too readily. More often than not if they were to examine their reaction they would realize their analysis of a given situation is based on their perspective and how they would handle the situation, versus reality.
Writers often have to forsake time with friends and family when deadlines are looming, or the creative muse is flowing. What one person has been your greatest supporter on your publishing journey?
EY: Even though my daughters are awesome, my grandson is the best. When I sit to write, he tends to grab his pencil and paper or his kiddie tablet and sits near me. Can’t say he’s a quiet supporter, but we struggle together.
EY: Going to the salon and getting my nails done, coming back to a quiet house and doing nothing beyond turning TV and floating between watching and enjoying the solitude.
CHELLE: We live life beautifully inspired here, at The Beautifully Inspired Blog. Leave us with an inspirational post, comprised of three words.
EY: “Life Inspires Creativity.”
CHELLE: Well people, you’ve been invited into the exclusive world of Ey. Read on as she shares more about her books and where you can connect with her in the book world.
Info on my books. My latest novels are titled Ismet’s Honor and Ribbons & Belle. I call them companion novels. They have some of the same main characters, but are stand alone and not a series.
RIBBONS & BELLE: Gorgeous, dedicated fertility counselor Tyson Ribbons, has admired and loved embryologist, Anabelle “Belle” Lee for a long time. When she comes in for counseling he fights everything within him not to deter her from her plans. Doesn’t stop his heart from wishing it could be him fulfilling her desire.
Anabelle Lee, mourning her inability to have a child of her own-suffered through two miscarriages, a heartbreaking late-term abortion, and a soul crushing divorce. As an embryologist, she has protected the potential life of many frozen specimens, and lived envious of the women choosing InVitro fertilization as their form of reproduction.
After a bit of encouragement from her best friend, and counseling from the very perfect Dr. Ribbons, Anabelle takes steps to fulfill her desire to become a mother.
Problem is, the announcement brings more of a shock than a gift.
ISMET’S HONOR: Sunny Verdi Reyes, has always wanted the “good-life.” Husband, home, lots of children. After cheering on her best friend and fellow embryologist Belle, through her successful quest for her dream, she wanted those things even more.
Unfortunately, Sunny broke the heart of her fantasy years earlier and it would take more than wishful thinking to get him back.
At 17, unable to voice his opinion against an unwanted abortion, Ismet Honorable O’Neal ran from the girl who killed his dream of the perfect life and the white picket fence.
Now he spends his time aiding other men in being the voice in the lives of their children.
Years later, he returns and Sunny is waiting.
She’s going to need more than the love in her eyes to repair the fences.
The inspiration to writing Ribbons and Belle came from the controversy of abortions and the vitriol in which the women are attacked. People tend to overlook the fact there may be medical reasons that make the ending of a life detrimental for the mother’s health. Ismet’s Honor was born after a beta reader finished Ribbons & Belle and wished there was a story about Sunny. I decided to make it more about the father and what his wishes may have entailed and how abortions also affect the father’s to be.
Online contacts:
Amazon Central Author Page:
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Ey Wade Tackles Thought-Provoking Subjects
with Joy L. Campbell
Gorgeous, dedicated fertility counselor Tyson Ribbons, has admired and loved embryologist, Anabelle “Belle” Lee for along time. When she comes in for counseling he fights everything within him not to deter her from her plans. Doesn’t stop his heart from wishing it could be him fulfilling her desire.
Anabelle Lee, mourning her inability to have a child of her own-suffered through two miscarriages, a heartbreaking late-term abortion, and a soul crushing divorce. As an embryologist, she has protected the potential life of many frozen specimens, and lived envious of the women choosing InVitro fertilization as their form of reproduction.
After a bit of encouragement from her best friend, and counseling from the very perfect Dr. Ribbons, Anabelle takes steps to fulfill her desire to become a mother. Problem is, the announcement brings more of a shock than a gift.
Verdi Reyes, has always wanted the “good-life.” Husband, home, lot’s of
children. After cheering on her best friend and fellow embryologist
Belle, through her successful quest for her dream, she wanted those
things even more.
Unfortunately, Sunny broke the heart of her fantasy years earlier and it would take more than wishful thinking to get him back.
At 17, unable
to voice his opinion against an unwanted abortion, Ismet Honorable
O’Neal ran from the girl who killed his dream of the perfect life and
the white picket fence.
Now he spends his time aiding other men in being the voice in the lives of their children. Years later, he returns and Sunny is waiting. She’s going to need more than the love in her eyes to repair the fences.
“So, are you saying your plans will never include a man? A man who has no intentions of being a participant in an affair for friends benefiting off a burning desire? You have no time for a man who has a wish to have a lasting relationship”
“Honesty, I hadn’t figured a literal man in the picture at all. My mind is to do what I need to do to be happy and fulfill my goals.”
“A literal man? What does that mean? What are your goals? What do you have planned in your life that you are so sure I, a literal man, couldn’t be a part of?”
Belle stood, smoothed her shirt and tugged at the waistband of her pants- trying to gather her words before opening her mouth. Eventually, giving up. Crossing the room to the closet, she pulled out the Christmas gift bag.
From it she placed a couple of the fertility magazines in front of Tyson and stood back to observe his reaction. The look on his face transformed from burning curiosity into lip pursing illumination.
“Oh. I have this one in my office.” Leaning forward, he tapped the cover of one magazine before shifting back to his previous position. Arms, crossed over his body gave emphasis to the movement of his chest, and the stretched material of his shirt. Tyson sucked in a deep breath before letting it out slowly and clearing his throat. His glance never leaving her face.
“How soon do you plan on going through with the procedure?”
“As soon as possible. I would simply love to have a baby by Christmas.” Belle smiled softly. unaware of how wistful she looked.
“At this moment, you remind me of a child wishing on a star for a toy she covets. You know this isn’t a game, right? This baby you want would be a living being. Not something you can return when it doesn’t meet your expectations.”
Belle’s smile vanished at the censor in his tone. Belle’s smile vanished at the censor in his tone. What the hell? I know he’s not about to try and lecture me. As if I need his advice. Humph, as if he knows me like that. Who does he think he is? Hands on her hips, she looked down at him leaning back with his body pressed into the material of her couch. That body making her all hot and bothered, like he belonged there. Searing his body from head to toe with a slit eyed glare, she stifled the urge to kick the underside of his shoe and order him out of her house.
“What are you trying to say, Tyson?”
“Hold on, wait a minute...” Tyson, stood. Hands held out in front of him as if he thought he had to protect himself from harm, a chuckle escaping. “Damp down the fire. I’m just observing your reaction and emotions. Counseling in this area is my thing, remember?”
“Yes, I remember.”
“Well this is no different than what I would ask any potential parent. Do you really want to be a parent? A single parent, even?”
“Yes. I want to be a parent.”
Noticing the tears forming in her eyes, Tyson moved closer, pulling Belle into his arms and close to his chest.
“You know, you don’t have to use the lab method. I promise you, it would be much more fun trying the old fashioned way. I’m just saying,” He laughed and held her tighter when she struggled to pull out of his embrace. “You have me here. Happy and willing at anytime. And if you want, anywhere.”
“Tyson, stop laughing at me.” Belle pushed a little harder and found herself free to move around the room. Happy yet bereft at being deprived of his warmth. ‘This is a serious matter for me.”
“Oh, believe me, I know it is. Once a woman has gone through the trouble of collecting magazines, and you seem to have a ton,” he tapped the decorative bag with the toe of his shoes. “The thought of being a parent, going through the procedure is a foregone conclusion. Yet, still I wonder.”
“So, you're into studying women, Ismet? Know a lot of them? Are you into any certain one?”
“Still blunt
and as curious as ever aren't you, Belle?” Ismet laughed. Sitting and
filling his plate from several dishes, passing each to Sunny so she
could do the same. “Of course I've known a few. I don't have a steady or
I wouldn't have come here alone, but to answer the obvious- I'm not
searching for one.” His gaze landed briefly on Sunny's face before he
stuffed a fork filled with food into his mouth.
“Humph, well if
you know like I know, life is short. If you're still out there
searching at your age, you're more than likely looking in the wrong
direction. Sometimes, what you're searching for is right next to
...what?” Belle squealed and ducked at the not trying to be subtle, roll
thrown in her direction. The swift, timely reaction of her husband's
catch, saving her from getting hit square in the face. “Sunny, did you
purposely throw bread at me?” The fork she pointed at Sunny jerked up
and down.
“Of course I
did.” The tight eyed look Sunny cast in Ismet's direction, a cross
between irritation and a dare, froze his expression in mid laughter, for
all of a millisecond, before he continued laughing heartily. With the
swift turn of her head, she flicked her hair. The ends swung and hit him
in the face. “Me, kicking you under the table didn't make you shut your
“That's because
you were kicking me.” Tyson laughed. Reaching over and placing the roll
back on her plate. “You got a good aim though.”
“I'm so sorry Tyson. But then again, I blame you. You should've tapped your wife or something. Put some check in her tongue.”
Tyson's smile was huge and the wink he shared with Ismet, flowed with a conspiring air.
“I tried.
Shortened the length of my finger with all of the poking I was doing.”
He held up his pinkie finger. “Didn't make a bit of difference.”
When the laughter subsided, Ismet- pointing his finger at Belle, responded to her statement.
Belle, I think you could be on to something. Tyson shared a bit of your
story when we were in the nursery, earlier. It was excellent,
congratulations all around. Two beautiful daughters and love to boot. I
never imagine such luck in my life.
Truthfully, I'm
not going to try. I had my suburban dream as a kid.” He turned his head
towards Sunny. For a moment they stared into each other’s eyes, their
history plainly seen, no explanations necessary. “And we all know what a
nightmare that turned into.”
“I became a writer because it is the only profession which allows me to talk to the ‘air’ and not be committed for insanity. Knowing me as a writer and author is like cracking an egg’s shell in the air and wondering how far the splatter will spread. Wait, that’s kind of like knowing me as a person. I’m like all over the board and always working on three to five projects at a time. I have no favorite spots to work and my view tends to be pointed at the keyboard. When an idea comes into my head I just flow with it. I haven’t been able to conform my writing to any specific pattern. I am more than often working on one story and the characters from another will just be dying to get my attention and I have to go into their world.”-Ey
Oh, and to let you know I do have a stable life…I am the (always single) mother of three daughters who are all grown now. I home schooled them on a string and a prayer. Though it may seem as if I am a bit scattered brained I was able to school them into college by the age of seventeen and sixteen. The two eldest have graduated, yeah! I am the drooling proud ‘Lovey’ of two grandaughters and a grandson. Before being destroyed by Hurricane Ike, I lived in a nice home and owned a home-based childcare center and that’s me and my writing life in a nutshell.
When did you fall in love with reading?
I can’t remember exactly. I have always liked to read. I remember when I realized it had become an obsession, it was the time I was about thirteen and my mom entered the room and told me to go outide and get some fresh air. *laughing out loud* she said, “All you’re doing is reading someone else’s imagination” . Little did she know, this was a catalyst to my wanting to be a writer.
Do you remember your first favorite book? (Or picture book?)
No, I don’t. As an adult I remember falling in love with the book ‘No, David’. Now, that I have a grandson. I love the book even more. Totally captures him.
Do you prefer paperback books, e-books or both? Why?
I really don’t have a preference. I enjoy a book in whatever form as long as it is good.
What, in your opinion, makes a writer one of “the greats?”
If a writer’s work touches all of my emotions and I can remember it for months/years, they are a great writer.
When reading, what types of characters do you find yourself relating to more than others?
I like the brainy, self sufficient, independent women who can do it all, have it all, and still make common human mistakes in life.
Has a book ever brought you to tears? If so, what book and why?
There are so many. The most recent I have read was the Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks. The concept of it was so disturbing and brought me through so many emotions, I know I will never read it again.
Do you ever find yourself more connected with the darker
characters/antagonists in the books you read?
Oh my gosh, yes. There have been some people I would have loved to have been, especially when it came to getting a little retribution and getting away with it.
What is one book you wish you could see on the big screen?
The Giver by Lois Lowry
Think of your favorite book (or one of your favorites):
What songs would you consider the perfect play list for this/these book(s)?
The Giver – Coldplay’s ‘Yellow’
Which of your books would you consider the best fit for the big screen?
Now, don’t say I’m being bias because I think I have written a number of books that will fit. I would love to see D.N.A. on the screen. The book has so much to say to youth and I think the main character did a great job portraying this. The Perfect Solution, exposes a lot about the inner problems of the childcare system and brings the readers through so many experiences it would make a terrific film.
Geez, Rhonda I would have to turn a cold shoulder to many of my writings. I can’t pick just one.
Hahaha! I know the feeling, Ms Wade. It’s pretty much impossible, right?
As a writer, how do you separate inspiration from your favorite books, from your own creative process?
Yes, I do. I’ve read a lot of books and honestly feel I don’t write in the style of anyone I have read.
Great chatting with you. Thanks so much for sharing!
Again, connect with Ey Wade here:
Facebook-: Written by Ey Wade
Twitter @jumpouttheboat & eywade
Author Sites:
Kindle, Smashwords , Sony or Kobo, Scribed
Nook and iPad
Into Another World
Today’s Featured Author – Ey Wade
Today I welcome author Ey Wade to my blog. She released her companion novels Ribbons & Belle and Ismet’s Honor last year.
Tell us a bit about yourself.
I became a writer because it is the only profession which allows me to talk to the ‘air’ and not be committed for insanity. Knowing me as a writer and author is like cracking an egg’s shell in the air and wondering how far the splatter will spread. Wait, that’s kind of like knowing me as a person. I’m like all over the board and always working on three to five projects at a time. I have no favorite spots to work and my view tends to be pointed at the keyboard.
When an idea comes into my head I just flow with it. I haven’t been able to conform my writing to any specific pattern. I am more than often working on one story and the characters from another will just be dying to get my attention and I have to go into their world. I tend to write in various genres from fiction to picture books. Using pen (same one for the past eleven years) and paper, laptop and as a newly favorite the word program on my cell phone. I have found I can write anywhere with that little contraption and my focus is intent. Has to be with those tiny keys, right? And then I just email to myself and copy past into my manuscript.
Before becoming a self-published author I followed the rules. Wrote outlines, character back stories, did the word counting, queries and everything. I even had an agent once. Unfortunately he was a horrible choice. Directed me away from Ballantine books (wish I would have known who they were then) who wanted The Perfect Solution and straight into the corrupt hands of Publish America. What a crock. After that fiasco I was so humiliated I couldn’t write. Fought and had my rights returned and now, I am back. From there, I published a several novels on my own, signed with a small publishing company for a while and now I’m back on my own as Wade-In Publishing.
How much of yourself, your personality or your experiences, is in your books?
There is always something about me and my experiences buried within the novels.
Have you started your next project? If so, can you share a little bit about your next book?
The next book to be released is titled Valerie. It is a book filled with tales of women and girls of all ages, races/ethnicity with one commonality- their name is Valerie.
Please tell us about your current release. My 2 latest novels are titled Ismet’s Honor and Ribbons & Belle. Both were released on June 2nd. I call them companion novels. They have some of the same main characters, but are stand alone and not a series.
RIBBONS & BELLE: Is about fertility counselor Tyson Ribbons. He’s secretly in love with embryologist, Anabelle “Belle” Lee. When she comes in for counseling he fights everything within him not to deter her from her plans. Even though he wishes they could start their own relationship.
Annabelle has had a rough marriage and heart breaking experiences with losses during pregnancy, yet she wants children. So, she follows a friend’s advice and decided to try IVF. Things, take an unexpected turn.
ISMET’S HONOR: Sunny Verdi Reyes, has always wanted the “good-life.”
Unfortunately, Sunny broke the heart of her fantasy years earlier and it would take more than wishful thinking to get him back.
At 17, unable to voice his opinion against an unwanted abortion, Ismet
Honorable O’Neal ran from the girl who killed his dream of the perfect
life and the white picket fence.
Now he spends his time aiding other men in being the voice in the lives of their children.
Years later, he returns and Sunny is waiting.
She’s going to need more than the love in her eyes to repair the fences.
The inspiration to writing Ribbons and Belle came from the controversy of abortions and the vitriol in which the women are attacked. People tend to over look the fact there may be medical reasons that make the ending of a life detrimental for the mother’s health. Ismet’s Honor was born after a beta reader finished Ribbons & Belle and wished there was a story about Sunny. I decided to make it more about the father and what his wishes may have entailed and how abortions also affect the father’s to be.
What kind of research did you do for this book? Ribbons & Belle required some research into the disease that caused Belle to have to make the choice for a late term abortion. I also learned of many support groups concerning rainbow babies and support for mothers losing their wanted child.
Can you tell us a little about the black moment in your book? In Ribbons & Belle, I think the darkest moments are the times Belle has to explain the reasoning behind her unwanted abortion. Three times, with three different reactions from the people she told. With Ismet’s Honor, it was the heart wrenching,anger and despair Ismet directed towards Sunny, once they encountered each other as adults.
Did the story turn out the way you planned from the beginning? If not, what change happened that you didn’t expect? Both novels turned out exactly as I believed they would. Deep, emotional, and an open door to all sorts of conversations.
If you could be one of the characters from any of your books, who would it be and why? In each of my books, I would like to be the one who stands out and speaks up for herself without doubts. The one who would do for her friends and those in need. I would definitely be the character from The Fishing Trip. He avenged the children and women abused by the town.
Do you have an all time favorite book?
The Giver has always been a favorite of mine.
You can find more about Ey on her website or follow her on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram.
You can purchase her books here.
Ismet's Honor and Ribbons & Belle in a USAToday Happy Ever After Interview #romance #IVF #Endingwantedpregnancy #abortions #fathersRights
Happy Ever After
Ey Wade, author of ‘Ismet’s Honor’ and ‘Ribbons & Belle’
At 17, unable to voice his opinion against an unwanted abortion, Ismet Honorable O’Neal ran from the girl who killed his dream of the perfect life and the white picket fence. Now he spends his time aiding other men in being the voice in the lives of their children. Years later, he returns and Sunny is waiting. She’s going to need more than the love in her eyes to repair the fences.
Joyce: Would you like to share a favorite moment from your writing career?
How did you start out your writing career?
Before becoming a self-published author I followed the rules. Wrote outlines, character back stories, did the word counting, queries and everything. I even had an agent once. Unfortunately he was a horrible choice. Directed me away from Ballantine books (wish I would have known who they were then) who wanted The Perfect Solution and straight into the corrupt hands of Publish America. What a crock. After that fiasco I was so humiliated I couldn’t write. Fought and had my rights returned and now, I am back. I tried the querying again, but became frustrated when it seems the agents’ rules are so varied, too confusing for me. Not to mention the rejection letters can be soul crushing. I received a lot of positive reviews for The Perfect Solution when it was first published and yet when I began querying one agent informed me no one would like the book and yet it deals with negligence in the child care system. So, off I ran on my own. I have recently put three novels, three picture books and a creative non-fiction book into the Amazon and Smashwords systems. I think e-publishing is one of the greatest inventions God has given to the world.
What did you learn while writing this book?
While writing D.N.A. I learned there is an inner strength within everyone and all it takes is a belief in yourself to sustain you through anything.
What did you hope to accomplish with this book?
I think my main goal with D.N.A. is to show teens and those who feel they have to go on shows like Maury Povich that they don’t have to act like a fool. Respect begins within yourself.
What came first with this story, the characters or the plot?
The plot came first. After watching so many of those ‘whose the daddy shows on TV I started to become irritated with all of the ridiculous drama Why? This is just one time I was totally plot driven.
What has surprised you most about becoming a published author?
When my first books were published years ago I was amazed at the reactions from others. People would act as if it were so amazing for someone in our town, of my color to write a book.
What aspect of writing do you love the best, and which do you hate the most?
I love all aspects of writing. Some a little more than others, but I enjoy the entire creative process.
What are three things you wish you’d known before you reached where you are now?
Number one thing I wish I had known was the fact I should believe in myself more than anyone else. Just because someone can’t understand your dream doesn’t mean there is something wrong with it or you. I wish I had known to start self-publishing and learning more about marketing.
Can you give us one do and one don’t for those aspiring to be a writer?
I would advise any author to go the route of self-publishing when they have something they feel strongly about and no one else can envision their dreams. Then I would probably tell a writer, don’t just take the first words you scribble on a piece of tissue and run off thinking you have written the next best seller. Take your time, write, edit, and reedit before you submit anything.
What one thing about writing do you wish other non-writers would understand?
I would love for a non-writer, reader to understand writing is not a waste of time. It is hard work and a tremendous source of release and passion.
Tell us something few know about you?
Few know I suffer with Sciatica which sometimes makes it extremely hard to move or walk, let alone type and yet I have published eight other books.
When you're not writing, what do you like to do in your spare time?
When I’m not writing I like watching television, reading and playing with my grandbaby.
What do you do to interact with your readers?
I blog five blogs, twitter, write book reviews, post on other social networks and post on Facebook
Who was the first author you ever met?
Her name is Barbara Cooley I met her at a writer’s workshop about 8 years ago. It was awesome. She wrote cozy mysteries about a housekeeper who solved murders in her hometown. As keepsakes for the book she gave out tiny feathered dust mops with book covers connected for one book and other paraphernalia to match her other books. I still have that little dust mop.
Oprah always asks, what do you know for sure?
What do I know for sure? Lol, with all of the voices yelling in my head to come to life and tell their stories, I know being an author is the life I am supposed to live.
Can you give us a sneak peek of your next book?
Sure. My next book is titled, “Tripping Prince Charming” it’s a romance consisting of three stories that interweave with each other. Book Description: Carmella Candi, Ivy Gardiner, and Lillie-Rose McIntyre are best friends and have been since birth. Strong minded women, who defied the fairytales, tore up the pink fluffy dresses and enjoyed kicking Prince Charming in the teeth. In their lives, they decided who would make the choice of when the ‘happy’ became ever after.
How can readers get in contact with you? (mail, email, website)
Email: Web: Blogs: Twitter: Facebook:
Debney Nichole Armstrong thought she knew everything about her family. She knew her dad worked h
ard at everything, except building a relationship with his family. She knew her younger brothers were typical little kids, and she knew her mother, for some unknown reason, disliked her first born and only daughter.
What she really needed to know was did her mother contribute to the ‘accident’? Who is the man repeatedly mentioned in her mother’s journals? Where were the bodies of her ten year old twin brothers, and who is the father of the child she now carries? No matter what the answers are, Debney knows, nothing will ever be the same.
Two #NewRelease Romances by Ey Wade
Lena Sledge's Blog... Books, Reviews and Interviews: Interview with Author Ey Wade
me as a writer and author is like cracking an egg’s shell in the air
and wondering how far the splatter will spread. Wait, that’s kind of
like knowing me as a person. I’m like all over the board and always
working on three to five projects at a time. I have no favorite spots
to work and my view tends to be pointed at the keyboard. When an idea
comes into my head I just flow with it. READ MORE
Interview with me by Matt Posner-
What's your name, where are you from, where do you live?
Well, if I told you the name my mom gave me at birth, I would have to
gag, so let’s stick to Ey Wade. I was born, reared, and have spent the
majority of my life in Texas. That is, if you don’t count the year or
so I lived in Alaska as a child.
What do you write and why do you write it?
I write to free my mind and to share things I ‘think’ I know. Whether
it is fiction or nonfiction, mystery, romance, or children books, my
hope is to entertain while educating and getting the reader to think.
Recommend to readers a book you have written.
If I could recommend only one of my books it would be Beads on a String-America’s Racially Intertwined Biographical History.
This book is the only one of its kind because it includes the
biography of people from every race and ethnicity which contributed to
the growth of America. The book also boasts of links and videos and can
be purchased from all major online book stores.
Here is Ey's book trailer:
Interviewed by Tim Ellis
Cath 'n' Kindle Book Reviews:
DNA - Nothing Would Ever Be the Same by Ey Wade
Truculent and defiant teenagers are not unusual, but ones that have to face one tragedy after another and deal with the consequences of their reaction to them are not. In this story, Ey Wade expertly portrays a young girl, Debney, whose mother fails desperately in the parental love department. When tragedy strikes, she makes one wrong turn that changes her life dramatically. An 18-year-old could go down one of two paths in these circumstances – the road to self-destruction or the road to self-fulfillment. Debney has to find an inner strength to choose the right one.
Excerpt from Tripping Prince Charming by Ey Wade
This excerpt from the romantic play/dramady, Tripping Prince Charming caused me as much drama and trepidation as it did the character Nathaniel . His love for his lady fair was eluding him. She, Lillie-Rose McIntyre, has endured a very violent marriage and along with her girlfriends, decided they would be in charge of the path of their love story. Tripping Prince Charming, a fairytale on its own, is written in acts and scenes and tell the tale of three very entertaining, sweet love stories.
Nathaniel is a man determined to hold the woman from his dreams, in his heart like a precious pearl clasped in his hand. This is a tidbit of his anguish.
Nathaniel leaned back on the porch swing of the Gardiner home until his head was resting on the wrought iron frame and he closed his eyes. The metal was as uncomfortable to his flesh as his thoughts were to his mind. Sighing deeply, he searched his heart to try and figure out exactly what he need to do about Lillie-Rose.
In his heart there was nothing but love for the woman. He knew without a doubt she was the one he wanted to spend the remainder of his life with. The problem was, Lillie-Rose was scared to death. The mere mention of the word marriage and she practically ran away mentally and physically. Not that he blamed her. After living through a violent and abusive marriage at a young age, and an equally violent childhood, he could understand her running in terror. Though he was doing his best to court her slowly with small gifts, attending quiet dinners in her huge hideout of a home, sometimes engaging in extremely sensual make-out sessions, full blown overnight lovemaking and patiently listening to her voiced fears, he was afraid to initiate a conversation that could possibly take their relationship to the final level or kill it where it stood.
To know more about Ey Wade and her books, visit
Grab excerpts and pins
BLOG: http://trippingprincecharming.
TWITTER: @jumpouttheboat
Book Review of D.N.A. - Nothing Would Ever Be The Same by Ey Wade
Mother’s Day has come and gone, but our mom theme continues to run all month long. Today’s guest author is Ey Wade. She has written a Young Adult novel full of mystery and drama. It’s called D.N.A. – Nothing Would Ever be the Same, and it sounds very intriguing. What’s also intriguing is the way Wade handled the “If Mom Told the Story” summary rewrite challenge. She did a brief summary of her novel from the perspective of three different mothers from the novel. I have to admit, my curiosity is piqued. You’ll find links to where you can find the novel below. If you enjoy what you read, leave a comment and scroll back to the other Mom summaries.
Debney Nichole Armstrong: I'm not a mom yet, but I have watched over this fellow as he's grown, *rubs protruding belly* well, almost outgrown my body. I think of all of the things we have gone through together, a trip to Italy, the horrible bullying and insults from the kids at school, the death of my family, and worse, my friends abandoning me.
Everyone makes mistakes, me, I see this baby as a blessing. He has saved me and I intend to do everything in my power to pay him back. I will be an outstanding mother, not one who stands out not bothering to come in and be a part of life.
There have been times throughout the story where I have wanted to quit, just give up, but then I think of Nicole. I can't even think of her as "mom," If I did I may follow her path and disregard the life I am carrying as valuable.
Until he arrives, I will continue doing what I am, eating the right foods, defending his right for existence to everyone giving me a hard time, planning for his birth at home, and trying not to miss Giantè too much.
Nicole Armstrong (Debney’s mother): I know people may see my actions in Debney's story as wrong and the facsimile of heartless and dysfunctional. I'm not even going to justify anything I have done. I lived for me, my joy in life, my satisfaction. After all, she wasn't supposed to be in the picture, anyway.
Mrs. De Vrie (Giantè's mother): Don't judge me. Sure, I give Debney a hard time in the story, what would you expect? What kind of mother would I be if I sat around and let a smart mouth little rich girl, destroy my baby's life? I practically raised Debney, took her on our family vacations. Let her hang around my house- for days at a time. This is how she replays us, by getting knocked up by God only knows? Well, she won't be blaming my child, Debney better think again.
As you can see, there’s a lot going on in this book. What is it all about? Here’s a summary and some places where you can find it.
-- As she approached her 18th birthday, Debney Nichole Armstrong was preparing for the beautiful future until her plans were torn to shreds. During the chaos of a romantic dinner turned teen party, Debney learned of the death of her family, slept with a few guys, and topped it all off by ending up pregnant. In one horrible night she learned her past was a fabric of lies and none of her friends were true. Yes, sometimes relationships in families end tragically. People leave; parents die, bullies come around, and lives change. But does it all have to bring out the skeletons in the closet?
What she really needed to know was:
- Did her mother contribute to the 'accident'?
- Who is the man repeatedly mentioned in her mother's journals?
- Where were the bodies of her ten year old twin brothers, and
- Who is the father of the child she now carries?
Inknbeans Press
Your book "Tripping Prince Charming" was released -What were some of the challenges you faced in writing this book?
My biggest challenge was in trying to get the cast to do as I wanted. The actual story started off as three separate books, each about a girl and her relationship. They were to 'be' a series of sorts. The characters hated the idea so I put the books into one. When one would end the other would, begin and the stories would mingle together. This didn't work for them either. The final version of Tripping Prince Charming reads like a TV series or a play with acts and scenes. It is a unique build up of three romances, that follow couples as they learn and grow into a relationship, it shows the friendship of the women and the challenges the guys face while trying to win the heart of their chosen love.
I began a blog for them at
What do you find most stimulating about writing in and of itself?
Hmmm, that would have to be the process itself. The idea of taking a tiny thought of a premise for a story and turning it into novel worth reading thrills me no end.
Tell us what makes Ey Wade who she is as a person and a writer.
Plain and simple? Life. The everyday grind, the funny, frustrating, unexpected episodes and the mind boggling experiences are what make me who I am. I never see myself as others do. To my family I'm that calm, oddly humorous one. To myself, I'm a boiling pot. Always cautiously ready for an adventure.
Was there one event in your life that shaped who you are as a writer?
Uhm, if I have to think about one exact thing, I would have to say no. If I weren't bound to one thing (based on the question asked...) I could say there are multiple incidents. Everything I write has some element of nonfiction within. Some experience I've had or heard of, determined the idea of the story. Even if that experience was minute or indirect.
Do you have any tips for emerging writers or those that have a story but are afraid to tell it?
To anyone wishing and waiting to get a story out, I would say "write it". If you aren't ready to publish it, put it away for a while, but don't give up on the dream. When it's time, the urge to publish will hit you like a labor pain and nothing you do will stop it. It will 'be' like an unconscious action. A repetitive thought saying, it is time. That pressure to get your words out will overwhelm all other thoughts, just go with the flow.
Is there anything else you want the blog audience to know about you?
Yes, I would love for them to know I'm not a one trick pony. I write in several genres-- romance suspense, chic drama, YA, children's, nonfiction, and the best way to know my work is to visit my web page. Wade In Publishing. There they can click on links and pop through the doors of my myriad mind.
Ey Wade can be found on the following social media outlets:
Twitter: @jumpoutheboat
Facebook: http:/
Pinterest: itsmeeywade
Instagram: imtheauthor_eywade
Waid Books gives a sincere THANK YOU to Ey Wade and wishes her much success with her new novel "Tripping Prince Charming" is available on Amazon!
At 17, unable to voice his opinion against an unwanted abortion, Ismet Honorable O’Neal ran from the girl who killed his dream of the perfect life and the white picket fence. Now he spends his time aiding other men in being the voice in the lives of their children. Years later, he returns and Sunny is waiting.
She’s going to need more than the love in her eyes to repair the fences.
Words with... Ey Wade
Do you have a day job or do you write for a living?
What do you feel is the ideal recipe for a good novel/story/poem?
I am inspired to write by my children, always have been. Things I would love them to read, maybe change the world with the influence I can give them. Belief in yourself, inspiration, dedication and commitment are the main ingredients – 50% has to be the belief in yourself, 30% to commitment to stand by your words no matter what others think or say, 5% to inspiration from the world around you, and 15% to sit your butt down and write.
How long did it take you to write your book/s?
How long did it take you to get published? Did you take the traditional route or DIY?
What advice do you have for aspiring writers/those just starting out?
Do you have any works in progress?
Where and when do you write – do you have set times during which you write or is it just when the mood takes you?
Some of your fave things... Animal? Food? Drink? Film? Colour? Band? Song? Place to chill out?
Who is your favourite character from any book and why?
Which three authors (living or not) would you like to take to the pub?
If you won the Lotto, what would you do with all it?
Now for the creative bit… please finish this story in 100 words or less… There once was a small gecko called Fred...
Finally, what question do you wish I’d asked and, of course, what is the answer?
Your book/website/blog/twitter links…
My, I have a .com, I twitter @jumpouttheboat, and several other places. I have several that can be found through here, blogs, and I’m on Facebook.
Inspiring Teens Blog Hop – Guest Author Ey Wade
To celebrate Teen Read Week, dozens of bloggers and
authors are participating in a blog hop. I’m very fortunate to be
hosting Ey Wade on my blog. I’ll take a few moments to get Ey’s
thoughts on reading and writing as well as learn a little bit about what
she’s currently working on. Ey has also generously offered 3 free
ebooks and one print book (with an autographed bookmark). Details are
at the end of the post.
Teens and Reading
Why do you think Teen Read Week is important? It is important for teens to discover new books, new authors and other readers their own age in reading groups.
How do you think we could encourage youngsters to read more? Put the books in front of them, make it easier for them to find book sites.
When you were a teenager what books did you like to read and did you have an all-time favourite character? As a teen, I was into Harlequin and then I got into Isaac Asimov.
Ey on Writing
Were you writing as a teenager? If so, what were you writing and what inspired you? Did a person inspire you to write? As a teenager I worked in daycare, I wrote educational books for my little class. The only the book I wrote then my cousin tossed it, saying it was ‘too old’ for me.
Do you think today’s teens are in a better position if they want to be a writer than you were all those years ago (hee hee)? Oh, yeah, they’re in a very good position where they can go out and write something and publish it tomorrow whereas, when I was young, I got a lot of rejection letters and I used to pin them on the wall like wallpaper.
What advice would you give a youngster who enjoys writing? Keep on writing, collect notebooks and write, research and people read what you write.
Ey’s books
What is your latest book about?
Tripping Prince Charming is about three women who don’t fall into the Harlequin party line. They intend to be in control of every aspect of their lives, even romance, until three men come along to show them fairy tales can come true.Are you working on anything new at the moment? In my current project there is a teen-aged girl who makes certain choices that younger girls seem to admire, and she encourages them not to make the same choices.
What do you love about being an author? I love being able to express my dreams, and get feedback and opinions from others.
Featured Author - Ey Wade
I tend to write in various genres from fiction to picture books. Using pen (same one for the past eleven years) and paper, laptop and as a new favorite the word program on my cell phone. I have found I can write anywhere with that little contraption and my focus is intense. Has to be with those tiny keys, right? And then I just email to myself and copy post into my manuscript.
Before becoming a self-published author I followed the rules. Wrote outlines, character back stories, did the word counting, queries and everything. I even had an agent once. Unfortunately he was a horrible choice. Directed me away from Ballantine books (wish I would have known who they were then) who wanted The Perfect Solution and straight into the corrupt hands of Publish America. What a crock. After that fiasco I was so humiliated I couldn’t write. Fought and had my rights returned and now, I am back. I tried the querying again, but became frustrated when it seems the agents’ rules are so varied, too confusing for me. Not to mention the rejection letters can be soul crushing. I received a lot of positive reviews for The Perfect Solution when it was first published and yet when I began querying one agent informed me no one would like the book and yet it deals with negligence in the child care system. So, off I ran on my own. I have recently put three novels, three picture books and a creative non-fiction book into the Amazon and Smashwords systems. I think e-publishing is one of the greatest inventions God has given to the world. I would advise any author to go that route when they have something they feel strongly about.
The Fishing Trip - a thriller, is not based on a real life person, but more on the emotions and anger I feel when reading about another poor child being molested and killed. It does to the perverted what I cannot. You can view the video trailer below.
Oh, and to let you know I do have a stable life….I am the (always single) mother of three daughters who are all grown now, 27, 25, and nearly 20 years old and I home schooled them on a string and a prayer. Though it may seem as if I am a bit scatterbrained I was able to school them into college by the age of seventeen and sixteen. The two eldest have graduated, yeah! I am the drooling proud ‘Lovey’ of a baby boy named Jett Parker Ellington and that’s me and my writing life in a nutshell.
Please stop by and visit me at my Website, on Facebook, or Twitter
EY Wade Day 1
Paisley has dreamed of this connection all of her life, held him in every pulse of her heart, glimpsed him from the corner of her eyes, like wisps of the future - drifts from past.
Malachi chased her in his dreams.... across a life time, seeing, but never touching.
And that’s how they lived their lives, continuously rushing past destiny. Reaching for each other, only to have their steps redirected.
When clouds touch, they create an affair of the heart. Will the heart be strong enough to accept the challenge?
link to the trailer of the book.
EY Wade Day 2
Ey Wade's~ When Clouds Touch "They create an affair of the heart"
“Note? Note?” Annie’s voice rose an octave on the repeat of the word. A sure sign she had lost all control. “Do you think a few short abrupt sentences explain your action? Do you believe they excuse the way you have left your father and I on the verge of terror? We had no idea where you were or how you had gone. You can’t drive because of your vision. Did you call a taxi?Are you okay? Tell me where you are and we will come and get you.”
“I’m not coming back there.”
“Paisley, honey you aren’t planning anything drastic are you? You were so upset last night. Please, I will talk to your father, make him see we want you happy. Have him change his mind about Malachi. Just come home.” “I’m not coming there, Mom. It’s not my home, its the family home. I moved out and the two of you moved me back in. Took away my freedom, my love, and tried to push me back into the role of a naive child. I can’t return to that.”
“Then what are you going to do?”
“I’m going to spend the next couple of weeks with Malachi, marry him, and then I’ll return as his wife to confront you and Oto-san.”
“What? You’re going to-” Annie MuRong yelled to her husband, calling him to the phone relating everything Paisley had said to her. Her voice on the line was immediately replaced by her husband’s angry demanding tirade.
“Paisley Tenshi MuRong, are you serious? You will marry this man?”
“Yes, Oto-san. He’s returning our family’s honor. Isn’t that what you were complaining about the other night? It is my destiny to be with him. Today was an impulsive move. No one was there to spy on me and I called him. It is a good thing I did, he was leaving town. One minute longer and I would have missed him. Its as if it were planned in the stars. Believe this, I’ll be alright. When I return, I’ll come there.”o, there is nothing I can say?”
“Yes, there is. You can give me your blessing.”
“Before you hangup, let me speak with Mr. Dae.”
“Oh Oto-san, please don't embar...”
“Put him on the phone, now.”
“I hear you, Sir. We’re on speaker.” Malachi’s voice joined the conversation. “So, don’t try to chew my head off.”
“Mr. Dae, if you were here in front of me, your head would surely be torn off. At this moment, I can only bow defeat, you have won. I see now, this urge to have a relationship was not an infatuation between you and Paisley. I have to accept that. I have to be satisfied with the choice she has made and believe it will be for the best. What I want to know from you, Mr. Dae are your plans? What now?”
Ey Wade Day3
Ey Wade's~ When Clouds Touch
The chair legs scraped loudly on the kitchen floor when Frankie MuRong pushed away from the table and strolled through the sliding glass doors to the backyard. He knew where he could find Paisley, on his way in the house through the patio door, he’d seen her diving into the pool.
The pool he’d had built for her after she watched a movie about a mermaid. As a child she became convinced she was a mermaid and they had stolen her and removed her ability to swim. She'd demanded lessons and learned well, determined to one day get to the ocean and swim far away. Where she would finally be happy.
Choosing to sit under one of the many trees provided to keep the area well shaded, he watched his eldest daughter. Her strokes were swift, long, hard, and angry. Back and forth she swam across the Olympic sized pool like a fish stuck in a bowl. Over and over until without warning, she stopped in the middle, treading water and crying. Her back was to him but he could hear her clearly. Her sobs echoed through the water, vibrating into his soul and he wanted to cry with her. He’d only seen her as a rebellious, recalcitrant child. Never imagining her to be so sad and heartbroken.
Looking up as a hand was placed on his shoulder, he stared into the weeping eyes of his wife. The tears falling from her eyes simultaneously with the ones dripping from the tips of his lashes, landed on the back of his hand and mingled. Sitting next to him on the cool grass, she whispered into his ear. Silently, he listened. He listened to her reminder of how his great-grandfather had not accepted the love of his own Chinese grandfather, and the family had not been destroyed. He remembered how he’d felt when Annie’s family wanted to keep them apart. How angry and frustrated he had been when his parents believed it would be best if he continued his education before he married her. Eventually, he nodded in agreement to Annie’s whispers.
Quietly, they watched Paisley plunge under the water, propel upward in a rise as if she would break free to reach the heavens, only to return to earth. Where she beat the water in anger until it rose and slapped back in its incapability to give her what she wanted. Spotting them, she swam to where they were, wiping her face and wringing her hair. Her habitual demeanor of porcelain beauty and obedience back in place.
Ey Wade Day 4
Ey Wade's~ When Clouds Touch
"By the way, I really hated her father. Really. Really really. I think I hated him more reading it the second time."
These are the encouraging words of my publisher at Inknbeans Press, yes, encouraging because it lets me know I got the point across. More important, it made Mr. Frank MuRong chuckle. This fellow cares none about your feelings. Mr. MuRong is the father of Paisley, one of the main characters from When Clouds Touch. He's stubborn, rude, opinionated, and dislikes Malachi, the love of Paisley's life.
In a few days Mr. MuRong and his lovely wife will be a guest In The Chair and they will shed more light on their hard to swallow personality.
Amused and wanting to know more about my publisher's feelings for this couple, I asked her if I had given them any redeeming qualities.
"As for her parents, there were no redeeming qualities. I couldn't even excuse them as loving their daughter and wanting the best for her, because they only wanted the best for themselves."
Honestly, I couldn't write the MuRongs differently. As a writer, we all understand how this happens. The character comes out and well, shows their true character. You can try all you want to make them different, but somewhere in the novel, the real them is exposed. That's the type of people they showed themselves to be, dedicated and overzealous in the protection of their daughter. My next question was: Does it make the book seem bad? Does it work? And when your publisher comes back with a statement like this-
"Oh, absolutely. It makes Paisley and Malachi's plight all the more powerful. This is probably the best thing you've ever written, it's like origami, perfectly folded into delicate layers that create a complex yet simple image. It's a touching and beautiful story. I hope you're very proud of it."
"Tell me you love me, Paisley. "
He felt her hands caress his back, his chest, fingers at the buttons of his shirt and he mimicked them, his fingers steadier and quicker, released the buttons at the top of her dress, pulling short when the gap revealed the tiny lace bra underneath. He flicked its front opening, exposing her flesh to his view – a sight immediately covered with his mouth. His need to be closer overwhelming his conscious mind which was telling him to move slower. But it wasn’t his mind, ruling him, it was her hands doing the directing, creating the momentum and he followed her emotions, her rush to fulfillment by caressing her touching her until she lost her control and cried out for him to stop.
“Is this how it always is under your umbrella, Paisley? Glimpses of light, beautiful color, shadows of leaves, silhouettes of birds, peaceful?”
Ey Wade Day 5
Connecting Readers, Writers, and Books
Thursday Sampler: When Clouds Touch by Ey Wade
In our mission to connect readers, writers, and books, Caleb and Linda Pirtle has launched a new series featuring writing samples from some of the best authors in the marketplace today. Thursday’s Sampler is an excerpt from When Clouds Touch, a story of two people who battle the odds to find their love and destiny, by Ey Wade.
As one reviewer said:
When there are so many reasons to NOT fall in love, this story gives you all of the reasons you should. The main characters are delicate, each has their own trials to face, yet they are strong enough to love each other. It’s a classic love story set in modern times and I enjoyed every word of it. So many times in life we are afraid to get our hearts broken. But what happens when you love in spite of all of life’s difficulties? When it’s “predestined” love?The Story
When Clouds Touch is the story of soul mates, Paisley and Malachi . Destined to meet since before birth, their story wraps us somewhere between loving and caring, wanting the best for someone, while wanting to see them happy, even when it is risky and they must obey the demands of family.
Paisley, a woman of Japanese descent, living with Albinism and heart disease, is meek, yet makes no apologies for seeking what she yearns to have. Hiding behind the protective fold of her wagasa, she longs for freedom from her overprotective parents and the love of a man she’s known only in her dreams, even at the cost of her health. Malachi, a man who has visions of meeting an elusive shadow, uses his sense of humor and sensitive side to build their relationship.He’s determined to win her love, even against the wishes of her parents.
The Sampler
“You know, Oka-san and Oto-san, you two can be a little nicer to Paisley. She’s a very good girl for her age.” Yoshiko placed cups of tea in front of her parents before offering them cookies from the plate on the table.“You should hear how some of my friends talk about their sisters. You wouldn’t believe how they talk to their parents.”
“You are just a child, Yoshiko, and should stay in your place.” Her father sipped from his cup.
Ignoring his words, Yoshiko tidied the kitchen before sitting at the table with her parents.
really serious, Oto-san. You don’t listen to how sad she is, it’s in
every sentence she speaks. Her tears are falling all of the time and I
don’t think it’s fair. I never see her happy. You have to let her live
or she will die alone like a very sad old woman.”
“You are always
serious, my Yoshiko, but I will parent Paisley. You do not understand
all she has been through. You have seen how it is when she gets a cold
or is in the sun’s rays. You were not there when she died as a baby. My
heart was broken.”
“I understand a lot. Maybe I wasn’t there when
she died, but I am here when she cannot live. That’s so much worse.
Anyway, I’m going to the sleepover to have fun. Something you two never
let Paisley do.” Laughing along with her parents, she kissed their
cheeks before leaving the room. “Promise me you will talk with her,
Oto-san.” Her voice carried back into the room from the hallway. “I will
talk with her.”
Saturday Sampler: Ismet’s Honor by Ey Wade
our mission to connect readers, writers, and books, Caleb and Linda
Pirtle is showcasing some of the best authors in the marketplace today.
Saturday’s Sampler features an excerpt from Ismet’s Honor by Ey
Wade. This story will break your heart, make you angry, gasp and most
definitely root for Ismet and Sunny. Another difficult subject is
tackled in this story. We get to see the other side of paternity, the
father’s side and their rights to their children. Ismet is their hero
who fights for their rights
About Ey Wade:
Ey considers herself to be a caged in frustrated self-published author of thought provoking, mind bending books in several genres. She is the mother of three adult daughters that were previously home-schooled and the drooling ‘Lovey’ to a little boy. Ey was born in Texas and reared as an Army brat. There is the constant need to speak, writing and telling stories is the way she choose to socialize.
The inspiration to writing Ribbons and Belle came from the controversy of abortions and the vitriol in which the women are attacked. People tend to over look the fact there may be medical reasons.
Ismet’s Honor was born after a beta reader finished Ribbons & Belle and wished there was a story about Sunny. I decided to make it more about the father and what his wishes may have entailed and how abortions also affect the father’s to be.
The Story
Sunny Verdi Reyes, has always wanted the “good-life.” Husband, home, lot’s of children. After cheering on her best friend and fellow embryologist Belle, through her successful quest for her dream, she wanted those things even more.
Unfortunately, Sunny broke the heart of her fantasy years earlier and it would take more than wishful thinking to get him back.
At seventeen, unable to voice his opinion against an unwanted abortion, Ismet Honorable O’Neal ran from the girl who killed his dream of the perfect life and the white picket fence.
Now he spends his time aiding other men in being the voice in the lives of their children.
Years later, he returns and Sunny is waiting.
She’s going to need more than the love in her eyes to repair the fences.
The Sampler
–“You really gonna let her make you do this? You gonna let her kill our baby?”
“I don’t have a choice. She’s my momma. I’ve only been sixteen two weeks and here I am pregnant with a baby. Met, what can I do with a baby? How can I finish school? Go to college? I can’t be a mom, right now.”
“I thought you loved me. Wanted our baby.”
“I do.”
At the touch of her hands on his shoulder, he shook it off. The contact seeming to burn him with desire and freeze his heart at the same time. This was the person, who, in one night soared him to the sky with the announcement she was pregnant and then casually tossed him to the pits of hell with the plans for an abortion.
She sat quietly. Gaze transfixed to the movements of her fingers in her lap, while he opened the door of the car and went to sit on its hood. With every step, he wanted to fall apart.
The hurt was a physical tearing in his chest that radiated in his back. It wasn’t possible Sunny felt anywhere near as helpless and devastated as he was feeling. She had the upper hand. It was her body, her child- until it was dead.
The finality, took the last bit of strength from his body and he fell across the hood of the car, crying loudly in despair. The deep sobs tearing his heart apart. The thud of the metal hitting metal roused him from is misery. A simple hug would’ve meant a lot. A word of comfort or remorse would’ve been a balm to his spirit. Instead, he watched her shoulder her purse and without a glance in his direction, she strolled up the walk to her mother’s house.
The taps of her heels as they walked the sidewalk to the front door, the closing snap, an end to his wishful dreams. Each a part of the collection of sounds that echoed in his nightmares for years.
They were the symphony of the end of his life and the catalyst to many changes.
Monday Sampler: Ribbons and Belle by Ey Wade
In our mission to connect readers, writers, and books, Caleb and Linda Pirtle is showcasing some of the best authors in the marketplace today. Monday’s Sampler features an excerpt from Ribbons and Belle by Ey Wade, a novel of love and loss and the heartbreak of controversial decisions.
As one reviewer said: I thoroughly enjoyed Ribbons and Belle, every luscious and poetic read. Ey Wade has the gift of drawing the reader in allowing them to experience her characters. I felt and knew Belle and was with her on this journey.
The Story
Gorgeous, dedicated fertility counselor Tyson Ribbons, has admired and loved embryologist, Anabelle “Belle” Lee for along time. When she comes in for counseling he fights everything within him not to deter her from her plans.
Doesn’t stop his heart from wishing it could be him fulfilling her desire.
Anabelle Lee, mourning her inability to have a child of her own-suffered through two miscarriages, a heartbreaking late-term abortion, and a soul crushing divorce. As an embryologist, she has protected the potential life of many frozen specimens, and lived envious of the women choosing InVitro fertilization as their form of reproduction.
After a bit of encouragement from her best friend, and counseling from the very perfect Dr. Ribbons, Anabelle takes steps to fulfill her desire to become a mother.
Problem is, the announcement brings more of a shock than a gift.
The Sampler
“So, are you saying your plans will never include a man? A man who has no intentions of being a participant in an affair for friends benefiting off a burning desire? You have no time for a man who has a wish to have a lasting relationship”
“Honesty, I hadn’t figured a literal man in the picture at all. My mind is to do what I need to do to be happy and fulfill my goals.”
“A literal man? What does that mean? What are your goals? What do you have planned in your life that you are so sure I, a literal man, couldn’t be a part of?”
Belle stood, smoothed her shirt and tugged at the waistband of her pants- trying to gather her words before opening her mouth. Eventually, giving up. Crossing the room to the closet, she pulled out the Christmas gift bag.
From it she placed a couple of the fertility magazines in front of Tyson and stood back to observe his reaction. The look on his face transformed from burning curiosity into lip pursing illumination.
“Oh. I have this one in my office.” Leaning forward, he tapped the cover of one magazine before shifting back to his previous position. Arms, crossed over his body gave emphasis to the movement of his chest, and the stretched material of his shirt. Tyson sucked in a deep breath before letting it out slowly and clearing his throat. His glance never leaving her face. “How soon do you plan on going through with the procedure?”
“As soon as possible. I would simply love to have a baby by Christmas.” Belle smiled softly. Unaware of how wistful she looked.
“At this moment, you remind me of a child wishing on a star for a toy she covets. You know this isn’t a game, right? This baby you want would be a living being. Not something you can return when it doesn’t meet your expectations.”
Book Promotion~ Tripping Prince Charming
This excerpt from the romantic play/dramady, Tripping Prince Charming caused me as much drama and trepidation as it did the character Nathaniel . His love for his lady fair was eluding him. She, Lillie-Rose McIntyre, has endured a very violent marriage and along with her girlfriends, decided they would be in charge of the path of their love story. Tripping Prince Charming, a fairytale on its own, is written in acts and scenes and tell the tale of three very entertaining, sweet love stories.
Nathaniel is a man determined to hold the woman from his dreams, in his heart like a precious pearl clasped in his hand. This is a tidbit of his anguish.
Excerpt from Tripping Prince Charming by Ey Wade
Excerpt:Nathaniel leaned back on the porch swing of the Gardiner home until his head was resting on the wrought iron frame and he closed his eyes. The metal was as uncomfortable to his flesh as his thoughts were to his mind. Sighing deeply, he searched his heart to try and figure out exactly what he need to do about Lillie-Rose.
In his heart there was nothing but love for the woman. He knew without a doubt she was the one he wanted to spend the remainder of his life with. The problem was, Lillie-Rose was scared to death. The mere mention of the word marriage and she practically ran away mentally and physically. Not that he blamed her. After living through a violent and abusive marriage at a young age, and an equally violent childhood, he could understand her running in terror. Though he was doing his best to court her slowly with small gifts, attending quiet dinners in her huge hideout of a home, sometimes engaging in extremely sensual make-out sessions, full blown overnight lovemaking and patiently listening to her voiced fears, he was afraid to initiate a conversation that could possibly take their relationship to the final level or kill it where it stood
Words with... Ey Wade
Do you have a day job or do you write for a living?
What do you feel is the ideal recipe for a good novel/story/poem?
I am inspired to write by my children, always have been. Things I would love them to read, maybe change the world with the influence I can give them. Belief in yourself, inspiration, dedication and commitment are the main ingredients – 50% has to be the belief in yourself, 30% to commitment to stand by your words no matter what others think or say, 5% to inspiration from the world around you, and 15% to sit your butt down and write.
How long did it take you to write your book/s?
How long did it take you to get published? Did you take the traditional route or DIY?
What advice do you have for aspiring writers/those just starting out?
Do you have any works in progress?
Where and when do you write – do you have set times during which you write or is it just when the mood takes you?
Some of your fave things... Animal? Food? Drink? Film? Colour? Band? Song? Place to chill out?
Who is your favourite character from any book and why?
Which three authors (living or not) would you like to take to the pub?
If you won the Lotto, what would you do with all it?
Now for the creative bit… please finish this story in 100 words or less… There once was a small gecko called Fred...
Finally, what question do you wish I’d asked and, of course, what is the answer?
Your book/website/blog/twitter links…
My, I have a .com, I twitter @jumpouttheboat, and several other places. I have several that can be found through here, blogs, and I’m on Facebook.
My biggest challenge was in trying to get the cast to do as I wanted. The actual story started off as three separate books, each about a girl and her relationship. They were to 'be' a series of sorts. The characters hated the idea so I put the books into one. When one would end the other would, begin and the stories would mingle together. This didn't work for them either. The final version of Tripping Prince Charming reads like a TV series or a play with acts and scenes. It is a unique build up of three romances, that follow couples as they learn and grow into a relationship, it shows the friendship of the women and the challenges the guys face while trying to win the heart of their chosen love.
I began a blog for them at
What do you find most stimulating about writing in and of itself?
Hmmm, that would have to be the process itself. The idea of taking a tiny thought of a premise for a story and turning it into novel worth reading thrills me no end.
Tell us what makes Ey Wade who she is as a person and a writer.
Plain and simple? Life. The everyday grind, the funny, frustrating, unexpected episodes and the mind boggling experiences are what make me who I am. I never see myself as others do. To my family I'm that calm, oddly humorous one. To myself, I'm a boiling pot. Always cautiously ready for an adventure.
Was there one event in your life that shaped who you are as a writer?
Uhm, if I have to think about one exact thing, I would have to say no. If I weren't bound to one thing (based on the question asked...) I could say there are multiple incidents. Everything I write has some element of nonfiction within. Some experience I've had or heard of, determined the idea of the story. Even if that experience was minute or indirect.
Do you have any tips for emerging writers or those that have a story but are afraid to tell it?
To anyone wishing and waiting to get a story out, I would say "write it". If you aren't ready to publish it, put it away for a while, but don't give up on the dream. When it's time, the urge to publish will hit you like a labor pain and nothing you do will stop it. It will 'be' like an unconscious action. A repetitive thought saying, it is time. That pressure to get your words out will overwhelm all other thoughts, just go with the flow.
Is there anything else you want the blog audience to know about you?
Yes, I would love for them to know I'm not a one trick pony. I write in several genres-- romance suspense, chic drama, YA, children's, nonfiction, and the best way to know my work is to visit my web page. Wade In Publishing. There they can click on links and pop through the doors of my myriad mind.
A pictorial collection of Ey Wade's novels! |
Ey Wade can be found on the following social media outlets:
Twitter: @jumpoutheboat
Facebook: http:/
Pinterest: itsmeeywade
Instagram: imtheauthor_eywade
Waid Books gives a sincere THANK YOU to Ey Wade and wishes her much success with her new novel "Tripping Prince Charming" which will be available on Amazon Monday, September 16th!
Indie author interview: Ey Wade and the growth of America
Interview on the blog of Matt Posner. Author of School of the Ages.
Posted by Matt Posner on August 11, 2011 at 5:15 PM |
What's your name, where are you from, where do you live?
Well, if I told you the name my mom gave me at birth, I would have to gag, so let’s stick to Ey Wade. I was born, reared, and have spent the majority of my life in Texas. That is, if you don’t count the year or so I lived in Alaska as a child.
What do you write and why do you write it?
I write to free my mind and to share things I ‘think’ I know. Whether it is fiction or nonfiction, mystery, romance, or children books, my hope is to entertain while educating and getting the reader to think.
Recommend to readers a book you have written.
If I could recommend only one of my books it would be Beads on a String-America’s Racially Intertwined Biographical History. This book is the only one of its kind because it includes the biography of people from every race and ethnicity which contributed to the growth of America. The book also boasts of links and videos and can be purchased from all major online book stores.
Here is Ey's book trailer:
Ey modestly did not mention her other books, such as the suspense novel The Fishing Trip and the family saga The Women of the Hill. Actually she has eight books for sale. Here's a complete list at
Recommend to readers a book by someone else.
The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks by Rebecca Skloot. This is a very haunting book. I haven’t been able to get over how it makes me go through the emotions of anger, hurt, and regret. The history of the mistreatment of the African-American race even when it comes to health care, is disheartening.
(via Amazon) Henrietta Lacks was a mother of five in Baltimore, a poor African American migrant from the tobacco farms of Virginia, who died from a cruelly aggressive cancer at the age of 30 in 1951. A sample of her cancerous tissue, taken without her knowledge or consent, as was the custom then, turned out to provide one of the holy grails of mid-century biology: human cells that could survive--even thrive--in the lab. Known as HeLa cells, their stunning potency gave scientists a building block for countless breakthroughs, beginning with the cure for polio.
Tell an interesting experience from your life as a writer.
A few years ago I did get two books published and felt very proud of myself. I had my book signing and sold 27 books on that very day inside the Books-a-Million and 10 more at BN the next weekend. I had an article in Essence magazine, and many great reviews. But then I stopped and really READ the final product. It was terrible. Not the story or the premise, but the product and I cried foul. I felt horrible. The company (Publish America) I had chosen to publish the books(through the advice of a horrible agent) had botched up the job. In the contract they promised editing and such, but pages were left out and no editing done. I was heartbroken. I was really torn up when I found out an editor from Ballantine books had been interested in the novel and the agent chose not to go with him. How could he have directed me to such an author-mill. I recommend reading Victoria Strauss' blog-Writers Beware if you want to stay ahead of the game.
The publishing game is full of creeps, crooks, and incompetents. I join you in giving the advice that writers need to know how to protect themselves from mismanagement and exploitation.
It is awesome to have a book published and people congratulating you. You feel as if you have finally done something good and right in the world. It's like being a parent. How proud you are of your accomplishment. And like your child you only want them (it) to be seen in the best light. I told myself I wouldn't want my child ridiculed, mistreated, and put out in ignorance so how could I do it to words from my heart? Especially when they are subjects I believe in? I shot my ego to hell and fought for the return of my contract. I'm mad at myself because now I have doubt in my abilities. Sometimes we just have to take ourselves out of the limelight and start over.
I have learned a lot. Write, rewrite and learn for yourself. Don't run on your ego or you will shoot your own self to hell. My time for redemption is near.
Tell an interesting experience from a non-writing job you've had.
I work in the childcare profession, owned a home-based center and I can remember the first time I taught a child sign language. The baby was six months old and we had been working on the sign ‘eat’ forever. One day, he woke from a nap and successfully showed me the movement he was hungry. What’s so great about this? The elimination of crying.
Give me a link to a funny youtube video
This may not be funny, but it’s original, clean, cute, and makes you smile.
What an adorable child!
How about some more links for telling us about you?
Some of Ey's many Interviews:
Links to Ey's work:
Amazon UK:
Goodreads (reviews and reactions):
Also at Kobo and Scribed
D.N.A. Review by MT Mathieson: is a really good story. A young girl finds herself alone and pregnant. Told that her whole family have been killed in a car accident half way across the world, Debney goes out of her mind and ends up paying a high price. Berated and ostracised by almost everyone around her, this is the story of one girl's fight to do the right thing and carve a happy life for her and her child. Debney is an incredibly likeable character and it's really refreshing to see a teenage mother portrayed as what they most often are: just nice, normal girls in a difficult situation, rather than the stereotypical picture we are usually offered. At times I was close to tears but all the way through I was cheering Debney on.
A Beautiful Review of D.N.A.-Nothing Would Ever Be the Same: Debney Nichole Armstrong thought she knew everything about her family. She knew her dad worked hard at everything, except building a relationship with his family. She knew her younger brothers were typical kids, and she knew her mother, for some unknown reason, disliked her first born and only daughter.
soul mates, Paisley and Malachi. Destined to meet since before birth, their story wraps us somewhere between loving and caring, wanting the best for someone, while wanting to see them happy, even when it is risky and they must obey the demands of family. Paisley, a woman of Japanese descent, living with Albinism and heart disease, is meek, yet makes no apologies for seeking what she yearns to have. Hiding behind the protective fold of her wagasa, she longs for freedom from her overprotective parents and the love of a man she's known only in her dreams, even at the cost of her health.
Tripping Prince Charming
A 5* Riveting Read by Ey Wade - Reviewed by Paula Rose Michelson
Using every parents worst nightmare and the trauma of one adult who is now traumatizing an innocent victim to show us what can happen and teach us who to prepare our youngsters to overcome the worst that can happen, the author shows us that even love once denied can be reignited through confronting what happened and then putting someone else's need above an old pain.
As an author, I am often asked what I'm reading for it is widely known that we wordsmiths continue to hone our craft by reading work that entertains, captivates, has clearly defined characters, and enlarges our abilities. Ey Wade's 5 star book has done that for me and more!
Author Tales - Ey Wade
Ey considers herself to be a caged in frustrated author of thought provoking, mind bending eBooks, an occasional step-in parent, a fountain of knowledge, and ready to share. She is the mother of three daughters that were previously home-schooled and are now either attending college or graduated from college and the drooling 'Lovey' to a little boy. Ey was born in Texas and reared as an Army brat. There is the constant need to speak, writing and telling stories is the way she choose to socialize.
As a writer she had an essay in Essence magazine, published nine books and had several articles printed in the local paper and magazines. As the single-parent of three daughters, Ey Wade has worked in the childcare profession for over thirty years. Child safety has always been a concern in her life and she has drawn on those experiences to write the novel which has gained the attention of parents, parents-to-be, and child care professionals.
All of her books are highly recommendable to your friends, family and coworkers.
Rabid Readers Too
D.N.A.: Nothing Will Ever Be the Same by Ey Wade
Debney Nichole Armstrong’s (D.N.A.) life fell apart when police show up at her door on the night of her 18th birthday, party in full swing, to tell her that her father, mother and twin brothers had perished in a terrible accident during their vacation in Italy. In her grief, Debney becomes drunk and promiscuous and winds up pregnant. She’s newly wealthy and alone living in the pool house because she can’t face living in her home. Now she must discover family secrets and if her brothers, whose bodies were never found, were indeed in the vehicle when it crashed. She must also face the reality of adulthood with a growing life inside of her.
Have you ever read a novel and felt as though you were missing something? Debney is a senior in high school at the start of the novel. She is heavily pregnant and it seems that every child in the school has choreographed themselves to torture her. She’s pushed down stairs, taunted, her backpack taken and held high. When she goes into the bathroom all the girls rush into stalls. She has revenge planned that is not quite Stephen King’s “Carrie” but in the same spirit. Debney is no shrinking violet. Even before the death of her parents she was a mouthy and rebellious child. It’s clear that Debney is intended as spirited and a survivor. She is a character who has been through a lot even before the loss of her oft referenced family. Enough is enough at school after flooding the bathroom and it’s time for her to snap. Thankfully, she can walk out that day, head held high, course work completed with a clear illustration through grades and means that she’s better and smarter than all of them. If being bullied isn’t enough, her mother hated her and edged her out of the family vacation. This isn’t just a teen’s fantasy of a parent’s hate; her mom put it in writing as she did her infidelity. We also have people walking through saying, “Yeah, your mom was a real witch…and here’s another evil thing she did.” She never wanted Debney and sees her as responsible for her imprisonment in a marriage she never wanted.
The subject matter is appropriate for teenagers. There’s no sex education available in this novel except in the obvious after effects. There are some strangish moments such as an 18-year-old who conspires with a friend to lose her virginity to a boy who has promised to be there for both of them when they’re ready. I had to read that one a few times and the scene read much younger than the character, but as it’s not the point of the novel it’s one of those ookie things easily dismissed. Still, this is an appropriate novel for a 12+ audience.
Technically there’s not a lot wrong with D.N.A.: Nothing Would Ever Be The Same. There are a few word use errors that are clearly typos, and one place that I spotted where a name was used when clearly the name of another character should have been in its place. The story opens with Debney being tortured in the present and her revenge in short order and flashbacks to key events follow so that the reader understands the pain that the young woman has experienced. We are constantly reminded of how much she loves her father and how rich he left her and how evil her mother, select adults and classmates are. Adult characters occasionally seem to lend voice to the author in the story in lecturing about modern teenagers and how loosely they treat themselves and their sexuality, and as the intended audience is young reader, that message may hit the mark. Debney doesn’t feel anyone loves her but we, as readers know they do.
If your young adult likes dramatic novels where the worst of the worst happens to a character and that character must either sink or swim, D.N.A.: Nothing Would Ever Be The Same is the novel for them.