Have you ever found something, a special rock, picture, piece of jewelry that became your talisman? Your symbol of luck or of good things to come?
Well, I did. It, is a piece from the Game of Life. I've had it laminated and with me for over fifteen years. So, here's how the story goes...
One day, I purchased the Game of Life for my daughters. It had been a game I'd wanted from childhood, but never got or played.
Well, on this day, as my daughters and I were into it I pulled this card which said, "You will write the great American novel." I immediately said I was keeping it, but the girls booed me down and the game continued.
A few weeks later, I traveled the girls to another city for them to stay and help with my mom while she recuperated from an illness. When I returned home, low and behold a part of the game piece lay face down on the parking lot, not looking at it, I tossed it on the dashboard of the car to give to the girls later.
On the return trip from getting them, one of the girls picked up the card and asked why I had it- turns out it was the same game piece and the rest of the story is history.
I haven't won the title of "great American novelist," but I have written several outstanding books. At least that's what others are saying?
What kind of things have you found that make you know you have followed your destiny?
Write down a couple of quick notes to let me know in
I'd love it if you told me your answers in the comments below so I can know how to serve my readers.
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