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If I Came to You for Guidance Would You Show Me the Door?

Follow @jumpouttheboat
Five questions: As a published author of one or several novels, as one who has traveled the hard road to publication:
  1. How would you treat a newbie who has come to your for advice? 
  2. Would you impart to the one who thirst for knowledge all that you know?
  3. Would you spare a little and send them on their way.
  4. Nod your lofty head towards the right direction and those who would help?
  5. Would you turn your back, head, ears and pretend you never heard their questions?
Six questions: As a newbie seeking knowledge for publication:
  1. Would you seek out information from one (or more) in your field?
  2. Would you hound or stalk writers until you garner all you could?
  3. How much information would you try to get from others before you research for yourself?
  4. After you get information do you research and make sure it is viable and correct?
  5. Do you believe those already in the field owe you time and information? Do you think its a right of passage ?
  6. Would you be upset if no one jumped up and shared their thoughts, networks and such with you?
Personally, I believe in helping as much as possible. If someone is the stalker lazy type, I can understand cutting the cord and sending them on their own. I would never turn my back on someone who has a dream, but don't know the path to take.
Thus saying, a friend and I formed a Facebook group titled The Writer's Tools as a way for all writers and wannabes to learn and share. It is an outstanding, friendly, and informative group. Our aim is to be a source for all. Come over sometime and check us out.

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