- How would you treat a newbie who has come to your for advice?
- Would you impart to the one who thirst for knowledge all that you know?
- Would you spare a little and send them on their way.
- Nod your lofty head towards the right direction and those who would help?
- Would you turn your back, head, ears and pretend you never heard their questions?
- Would you seek out information from one (or more) in your field?
- Would you hound or stalk writers until you garner all you could?
- How much information would you try to get from others before you research for yourself?
- After you get information do you research and make sure it is viable and correct?
- Do you believe those already in the field owe you time and information? Do you think its a right of passage ?
- Would you be upset if no one jumped up and shared their thoughts, networks and such with you?
Thus saying, a friend and I formed a Facebook group titled The Writer's Tools as a way for all writers and wannabes to learn and share. It is an outstanding, friendly, and informative group. Our aim is to be a source for all. Come over sometime and check us out.