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As an Author, Do You Write Reviews?

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 After reading the article by    Southern Writers: Suite T: Writers as Reviewers? posted by Michelle Sutton
I just had to answer. I didn't want to make my comment too long on her blog so I came to my own turf. I believe it all boils down to the belief of the author/reader. Some may find they don't have time to read let alone write reviews, while others ponder on whether or not they can be fair in their reviews efforts.
I love reading and then writing a review as soon as I finish the book. Usually this is just in the form of a quick note with all kinds of feelings poking out. The emotions evoked by the publication is still on the edge of the nerves and I'm eager to share. One of my policies for reviews is that I don't discuss the format and the errors, sorry. I'm strictly for telling whether the story is cohesive and enjoyable. If I find a lot of problems I stop reading and inform the reader of these issues. This is one of the perks of being an e-book author. The margin for making errors are always there and I see nothing wrong in giving someone a chance to correct their mistakes. Just like Michelle, if I don't like a book I just stop reading and go on to the next.

 *Michelle Sutton is the author of well over a dozen Christian novels, a book reviewer, an avid blogger, a social work supervisor, the mother of two young college students, a devoted wife, and a follower of Jesus Christ.

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