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Yes, That Mom. When One Mom Won't Do - Get 5 for Mother's Day. #parenting #drama #thriller #mystery #romance

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6 uniquely beautiful stories of life, love, and the heart of a mother.

Yes, That Mom Mother's day 5 books of #drama #suspense #friendship #reallifehappens #abortion #fathersrights #teenpregnancy #romance

📚🌟Plus- a bonus book. Ismet's Honor. As a teen she destroyed his dreams. As an adult, he won't let her forget the nightmare.

    The Perfect Solution- The biggest mistakes? She wanted him and the childcare center gave her child to a stalker. #parenting #childcare   

    The Fishing Trip: Penny joined Durham in his quest for retribution & justice. She'll be that monster. #parenting #abuse  

    D. N. A. Nothing Would Ever Be The Same. Debney owns up to spontaneous, disastrous choices, dysfunctional family, and possible teen pregnancy. #comingofage 

     The Women of the Hill. 5Mothers involved in the same entangling relationship, work together to make a better life for their #families. #parenting 

    Ribbons & Belle: Annabelle will do anything for the love of her child. Even giving her up. #abortion #IVF #endingwantedpregnancies #romance

 All publications by Ey Wade can be found at these locations. Go out and feed your reader or your thirst for ebook iTunes (http://bit.ly/EyinApple) and for print or Kindle (http://amzn.to/wade-inbooks)


D.N.A.-Nothing Would Ever Be The Same- 


Debney Nichole Armstrong thought she knew everything about her family. She knew her dad worked hard at everything, except building a relationship with his family. She knew her younger brothers were typical little kids, and she knew her mother, for some unknown reason, disliked her first born and only daughter. What she really needed to know was did her mother contribute to the ‘accident’? Who is the man repeatedly mentioned in her mother’s journals? Where were the bodies of her ten year old twin brothers, and who is the father of the child she now carries? No matter what the answers are, Debney knows, nothing will ever be the same.



A child is given to a stalker. Everyone loves three year old Brhin Teddi. His single mother, Catrine, loves him. His aunt and uncle and cousins love him.

The teachers at his daycare center, The Perfect Solution, love him. And someone in the shadows, watching, following and planning, loves him so much she’s ready to destroy countless lives to have him. A terrifying look into the world of childcare, its weaknesses and the terrible cost of those weaknesses.


The Women of the Hill is an affair to remember. It is the first book in the series Yes, Sam Takes Care of Me 
Sam, a jealous provider and protector who simultaneously gives and takes away in this tale of five female friends sharing in the trials and humiliations of having a relationship with the same person.

The Fishing Trip

When do you cross the line from being the 'hero' to becoming the monster?

Set in Shiningbal, Texas where the perverted go to disappear; sexual abuse of children is the norm and

when the legal system only increases the violation, this isn't the time for redemption to play nice.

Married and mom of one, Penny Brooks aids the town's avenger to save those in need.




Anabelle Lee, mourning her inability to have a child of her own-suffered through two miscarriages, a heartbreaking late-term abortion, and a soul crushing divorce.

After a bit of encouragement from her best friend, and counseling from the very perfect Dr. Ribbons, Anabelle takes steps to fulfill her desire to become a mother.

Problem is, the announcement brings more of a shock than a gift.




ISMET'S HONOR: As teens. Ismet and Sunny made adult choices that nearly destroyed them both. Now, as adults, they have to face those choices to pull themselves back together. 

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(Pinterest)Interviews With Other Bloggers

Audio Interviews. Your Chance to Hear Me Live on Internet Radio Interviews.

Audio Interviews. Your Chance to Hear Me Live on Internet Radio Interviews.
Sometimes I'm Nervous(Soundcloud)

Chatting with Nefertiti

Chatting with Nefertiti
Ey Wade, Denny Jenkins, & Stash Hall 2

Visiting, Through the Looking Glass with Kinia Colbert

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Through the Looking Glass

LaSuria Allman's In the Hotseat

LaSuria Allman's In the Hotseat

Giggling With Joey

Giggling With Joey
This fellow is so funny.

1st Visit with Joey Giggles

Second Visit With Joey Giggle's on Authors Nook

Ey on Book Tree Radio Show

Ey on Book Tree Radio Show
A Saturday Night Special with John T. Willis

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