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TRIPPING PRINCE CHARMING- 3 Determined Women. 3 Lovestruck fellows. 1 Fabulous romance. https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B01D6CL3IQ/

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TRIPPING PRINCE CHARMING- 3 Determined Women. 3 Lovestruck fellows. 1 Fabulous romance.  Is it Love or Wishful Thinking? Three friends join their love stories to create a romance that is both whimsical and beguiling. https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B01D6CL3IQ/

BLOG: https://trippingprincecharming.blogspot.com/ 

-USATODAY Mention- * Tripping Prince Charming is the tale of three love stories. I was challenged by the characters, who hated everything from their names to the format of the book, to write scenes and acts which pulled separate romances into one story. More like a screenplay than your typical novel, Tripping Prince Charming lets us see how the route we choose for our life can change the path of another. Carmella, Ivy, and Lillie-Rose are the epitome of friendship, loyalty, good-natured meddling and matchmaking. A love story of the century that will bring tears to your eyes and a smile to your lips.*

 Reviews are awesome:

 From a man's point of view: "This is a most unusual book and I don't know how to classify it. It is a romance, yes. In fact is it three of them. On one level. On another, its a bit like a musical (think fiddler on the roof. Oh yes, quite literally think that...) It reads like a screen play complete with a musical sound track and wonderful sets and locations. The back story to the entire thing could be a novel in itself, and toward the end it comes to center stage and rescues the entire effort. Another book by Ey Wade that is different from any other I have read, including her own. Its daring, often humorous, at times just a bit heart breaking, and highly original. There is a palette of flavors both sweet and at times bitter".~ A. E. Drury 

 "Wade takes us on this creative romantic journey of thrills, disappointments, and ultimate happiness. Read and cheer for your favorite couple. This is truly a modern-day fairy tale for the romantics at heart."-Michelle Monkou USATODAY 

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