TRIPPING PRINCE CHARMING- 3 Determined Women. 3 Lovestruck fellows. 1 Fabulous romance. Is it Love or Wishful Thinking? Three friends join their love stories to create a romance that is both whimsical and beguiling.
Reviews are awesome:
From a man's point of view: "This is a most unusual book and I don't know how to classify it. It is a romance, yes. In fact is it three of them. On one level. On another, its a bit like a musical (think fiddler on the roof. Oh yes, quite literally think that...) It reads like a screen play complete with a musical sound track and wonderful sets and locations. The back story to the entire thing could be a novel in itself, and toward the end it comes to center stage and rescues the entire effort. Another book by Ey Wade that is different from any other I have read, including her own. Its daring, often humorous, at times just a bit heart breaking, and highly original. There is a palette of flavors both sweet and at times bitter".~ A. E. Drury
"Wade takes us on this creative romantic journey of thrills, disappointments, and ultimate happiness. Read and cheer for your favorite couple. This is truly a modern-day fairy tale for the romantics at heart."-Michelle Monkou USATODAY