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UPDATE! James Gibson Freed. EXCLUSIVE: LaSuria Kandi Allman Interviews Torture Victim-James Gibson @lasuria83 #ChicagoTortureVictims #BlackLivesMatter

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 Latest Update: Mr. Gibson was back in court today-  all charges were dropped!! He sent his thanks to all who supported him.

From James Gibson
April 26, 2019

I would like to Thank My Family, My Lawyers, My Sister, My niece Sarmarra Burks and LaSuria Kandi Allman. For spearheading a petition for my speedily release. Throughout the years, I maintained my innocence. I kept the faith in knowing the truth would prevail. Even though it took me nearly 30 years to receive my freedom. It was a long road of motions, denials and hearings after hearings. I'm very grateful to know the faith that resided in me, resides in others. I must began, rebuilding my life one day at a time. I know that I can not recapture those days & years that were taken from me. The Strength that lies within my heart, I must use it to help others. Who are suffering from the same things, as myself. I know the road is a long one, for things have changed drastically

Again, My willingness to speak and alert the masses through bookings and interviews are very prevalent. It is a healing within itself, others and myself that I tell my story.

James Gibson.

UPDATE to a 30 years torturous tale of police abuse and false imprisonment. After all of the cover ups and media news that has been going on through Chicago's justice system-We have awesome good news. James Gibson, one of  the notorious Jon Burge's torture victims, has been set free!

 4 years after an exclusive audio interview and running a petition for James Gibson's release, and 30 years of him in prison, he has been set free pending a new trial.  

On hand in court was his faithful niece, Sarmarra Burks and his supportive family.  Gibson's lawyer, Ramon Moore stated, Gibson received a standing ovation from defendants waiting in holding cells  who believed in his innocence. 
Congratulations James, may justice finally be served.

As reported in the Chicago Sun by Andy Grimm, 
After serving nearly 30 years behind bars, for a double murder on the South Side Chicago Police Cmdr. Jon Burge’s underlings, posted the $2,000 needed to secure his release, hours after a brief court hearing at which Cook County Judge Alfredo Maldonado pointed out holes in the case created by numerous witnesses who have died or recanted their testimony.
 “(Prosecutors) have given no proffer about any eyewitness who actually saw the shooting or even could confirm Mr. Gibson was there, or any physical evidence tying Mr. Gibson to the murders,” the judge said.  - via Chicago Sun.

Previously published 2015- at In the Chair; On the Hotseat. 

Hear an exclusive audio interview of James' side of the story:

Please Sign This Petition. Save an Innocent Man's Life to release James and let him finally live a life of freedom.

It is unjust that James Gibson has been left behind, that statues of limitations have run their course while he remains behind bars.
Reparations, as mentioned in the Chicago Tribune, are being paid to victims and their families, and James is being ignored and forgotten.

On April 14, 2015, the Mayor of Chicago, Rahm Emanuel, announced the creation of a $5.5 million city fund for individuals who could prove that they were victimized by Burge. Burge said. he found it hard to believe that Chicago political leadership could "even contemplate giving reparations to human vermin". The fund was approved by the Chicago City Council on May 6, 2015.

 James' accuser, Anthony Holmes, a former gang member arrested by Burge in 1973 told the Chicago Tribune he was tortured after being  taken to a police station where detectives hooked him to an electrical box,  pulled a bag over his head and shocked him over and over again until he confessed to a murder he hadn’t committed.  

 Jon Burge, a destroyer of the lives of over 140 (read PDF)men, was imprisoned and released after four years, yet this innocent man remains behind bars. The things Jon and his accomplices did to the victims, some as young as 13 are to horrible to imagine but can be read here.

Swollen left chest

Swollen right chest
Holmes eventually spent 30 years in prison for the killing he was tortured in to admitting." He has since, been released from jail.
 We are fighting for the release of James Gibson.


  In an attempt to set the record straight, and have him released, we have launched a full assault of letters and phone calls to the media and the powers that be. We have established petitions, Free James Gibson Facebook page, detailed the full issue on radio shows. Even having the community at large, spread the word through social media sites and flyers. We must not let this injustice go unchallenged. Our voices must be heard, I urge you to STAND UP. Please get involved by contacting the official numbers below. 

Together We Can Make A Difference!!!
                      LaSuria Kandi Allman

More info contact
Sarmarra Burks sarmarra@gmail.com

Illinois State Attorney Office
69 W. Washington,  suite 3200
Chicago, Illinois 60602
Director: Anita Alvarez  State Attorney

Civil Action Bureau
50 W, Washington  rm. 500
Chicago, Illinois  60602
Sarmarra Burks. My uncle was beaten and burned, I saw him after he was sent home and after his arrest. I have been to so many court hearing, jail visits, and prison visits. The first hearing was a fiasco. I just knew the judge would set him free after the original suspect and Eric Johnson's sisters perjured themselves because that's what a judge does right? Wrong!
  • When the judge said to my Uncle "I will never let you free because you're a sorry loser."
  • When his attorney said, "Somebody has to go to jail because a white man was shot."
  • When the police beat the snot out of my uncle and burned his tattoo off with an iron yeah I realized, the world wasn't fair for people of color and they didn't even care.
  • When people lie and are a part of what happens, you ask constantly, "Why won't they just tell the truth?"
  • When people in power are involved you wonder, "How do they sleep at night knowing what the did?"
  • When your career was advanced on the back of another human-being's freedom, you should ask yourself, "Do you ever think you will get caught or is your victory bitter sweet?"
  • When people don't rally behind you to free a torture victim, you wonder "Do lives REALLY matter to them?"  
  • When someone is tortured on American soil and the people in authority essentially get away with it, "You wonder about people who are supposed to serve and protect"
  • Hundreds of people were tortured under the rule of John Burge. He was only convicted of perjury; not torture.

Kandi Kane Entertainment.
For booking or Interviews contact Kandi at
909-264-0878 and lasuria83@gmail.com
Facebook: Author Lasuria Allman

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