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A child is given to a stalker by his preschool teacher. Ey Wade's THE PERFECT SOLUTION #suspense bit.ly/YeahThatMom MOTHER'S DAY SALE

 A child is given to a stalker by his preschool teacher. Get to know this determined mother. bit.ly/YeahThatMom

"You did the right things, Ms. Teddi. This is not your fault." Detective Williams put the envelope under the clip of the board she was carrying. "Stay near the telephone when you return home. A unit will be there before the night is over to put a tracer on the line. All of your calls will be monitored until your son is returned or the tap is no longer necessary."
"What do you mean 'no longer necessary'? What are you saying? You think Brhin will be killed, don't you?"
"Cat, stop that." Phae ran to Catrine and yanked her hands from the lapels of the officer's jacket. "Calm down. And take that nasty thing out of your mouth." She slapped the curved, barely smoked cigarette from between Catrine's lips. You gave up smoking, remember? Retrieving bad habits will not make things better. Let's go to your house. You left the answering machine on didn't you? Good." Phalene smiled at the affirmative nod of Catrine's head. "Someone may have called." She climbed into the car and started the motor.
Catrine and Austin followed Phae's actions a little slower.
"Yes. You're right." Catrine turned to the detective. "I am sorry, Detective Williams. I didn't mean to grab you like that."
"I understand." Detective Williams brushed aside the apology. "Detective Serge and I will be to your home as soon as we finish up here. Try and get some rest. It won't do your son any good to come home and find out you've broken down."
"That still doesn't make the idea of resting a foreseen possibility." Catrine pulled the hat off of her head before climbing into her sister's car. She let her head fall to the headrest of the car as Phae sped out of the parking lot. "God, Phae what will I ever do without Brhin? I won't be able to go on."
"I have no answers, Catrine. I think about how I would feel right now if one of my girls were missing and all I can think of is 'stunned'. I cannot imagine what I would be doing at this very moment."


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This fellow is so funny.

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A Saturday Night Special with John T. Willis

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