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Yes, I'm One of Those Mommy~Lovey (grandmothers) #parenting #homeschooling

Follow @jumpouttheboat

 I love this thought he believes for himself.

“…I might be two things.” He thought a little longer and said, “I might be a lot of things.”

Yes, I am a grandmother. Lovely to my Jett Parker Ellington and mommy to his mom.

I'm so excited about the things she is doing with him, with his education. With the expansion of his HUGE four
year old brain and his humongous personality.

I believe in hands on and free learning. The natural way of gaining and retaining information.
I also believe in applauding people I see doing good jobs. Not saying this fellow is an angel-no, he's a total real boy with busted knees and lips. Has been from day one, which is why I call him Pinoch. No strings hold him back.
But his mom is doing an outstanding job when it comes to letting him be the person he is meant to be. His joy and thirst in learning is phenomenal

She's homeschooling him as I did with her and her sisters. She has a lovely post on his blog at  Happy Adventures of Preschool Boy   

 "J likes science, caterpillars and butterflies, horses, fast cars, rhyming games, silly bits of poetry and though he says he doesn’t like insects, he’s always looking for them. He has a funny talent for bird calling, an eye for the tiny details, and an enthusiasm and a laugh that’s contagious.
We’re making up this schooling thing as we go along but I can guarantee you that it will includes all the things little things he loves and more. There are days where we lay on the floor and write our letters, or where we take some time to learn on the computer but more often than not, we like to be hands-on and right in the middle of what we’re learning.
I’m hoping that a freedom to learn and indulge and in his interests in his early years will lead to a deep confidence and personal freedom as he grows. I’m also hoping that he and I will have several fun adventures along the way." ~ G.Wade -Adventures of Preschool Boy

They also share so much more on their Tumblr and Facebook page.Articles, experiments, etc.
via- GWade

Enjoy this lesson on how to make Salt Dough from their YOUTUBE page.

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