"Sometimes, the fear is stronger and deadlier in our mind and unnecessary."So, you know how that day comes? The one you, as an author, had been waiting on for weeks? That day, when you finally get to tell the world about your books?
You know it, don't try to play it down. It's that much awaited online interview- not as drive me batty as a
The kind of interview where you can sit in your jammies, hide in the closet and pretend you're the best... until you unconsciously began counting how many times you say uhm, and how long the dead air lingers.
Yeah, I had one of those yesterday, and it was a delicious, stay on your tongue, linger in your memory, piece of cake.
So, know this,
Life can be daunting. Keeping eyes and mouth shut seems the best and easiest way to deal... well, SUCK IT UP BUTTERCUP! Put on your big girl panties, cry your heart out, build a bridge and get over it. Learn from the horror, find the funny in it, and share some laughs with somebody. That's my gungho, get to moving, get out the mirror, self motivating talk. How you doin??? Haha haha!
By the way, listen to my interview, it was AWESOME! http://bit.ly/EyWade_Lookingglass #thingslegendsaremadeof
Thanks, Kinia Colbert.