Well, today, I'm going to change that. I'm laying it all out and inviting you to join my face book fan group, Ey Wade- Simply Writing. I'm believing people won't think I'm vain and immodest, but I would love help in becoming the kind of writer, readers like to think of as approachable and worth following. Sure you don't (maybe you do) know my writing, but I promise, you will learn it, help me know my faults and hopefully become a real fan. The door is open, please come on over.
What process would you take to start a fan group?
- I questioned within other groups.
- Wondered which is better page or group? "Group" was resounding answer. Start opened and then close.
- Decided what I would offer, ask for, expect.
- Added things to introduce myself and my works.
- Posted trailers links to blog excerpts.
- Promised myself this will not be a selling place, but a gathering of like minds.