I saw a tweet that kind of threw me into confusion. To paraphrase it said "I'm not tweeting anything about Black History Month....because we already know". I'm not sure what we as 'humans' already know. Many believe the struggle is over, history is history and should be left in the past. I'm over 50 and every day I learn something new when it comes to race and ethnicity. Without the struggles, deaths, atrocities, and successes of the African-American race many other minorities would be left in limbo still staring angrily at the White Only sign. Our history is 'American' history and not a February story or a month long look back.
Our History |
What we must remember and teach our children (the future) is that we did not succeed alone. It took many 'colored' hands to pull us up and we are thankful and not forgetful because we don't already know. If the past is forgotten, white-washed and politically corrected not to offend the lazy and ignorant, we stand a huge chance of repeating the past.
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