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This is a public online event from Feb 1-14, 2014:
Enjoy yourself, and keep a look out for me and my books. TRIPPING PRINCE CHARMING
As featured in USAToday's Happily Ever After Column Three strong, independent women with no time for romance or girlish notions of knights in shining armor meet their match in three lovestruck men determined to make them believe in Prince Charming and happily ever after. Michelle Monkou of USAtoday said: Tripping Prince Charming by Ey Wade In Tripping Prince Charming, Ey Wade uses a creative way to tell the story of friends Ivy Gardiner, Carmella Candy and Lillie-Rose McIntyre. Written in acts, the interconnected stories introduce the three princes who hope to win the hand of their one and only true love. With music specifically selected for each phase of the courtship, Wade takes us on this creative romantic journey of thrills, disappointments, and ultimate happiness. Read and cheer for your favorite couple. This is truly a modern-day fairy tale for the romantics at heart. January 13, 2014
"This was a deeply moving story. I was near to tears in many places. the way Debney was treated at school, the aftermath of the accident and finally it all coming together. The triumveret of friends in Debney, Nadine and Giante was wonderful. Most of the story was told in flashback and the story unfolded slowly but coherently. The pace of the story was perfect, and there were no confusing moments at all. The ending was fantastic, just how Ihoped it would be, and warmed my heart."
"I just finished Beads on A String and in all sincerity I have to say it is a work of subtle genius. Several years back I read one of the most unusual history books ever written, "The Peoples' History of the United States." Anyone who has read that revelation of history as events that really happened, as opposed toevents as reported by those who were left holding the most power, will see a similar sort of understanding in this amazing work by Ey Wade. An alternative title for her work could well be, "A History of the People of the United States. I can give this work no higher compliment. I was consistently fascinated by unexpected connections, accomplishments and contributions being added to the ongoing tapestry of our country by so many people from so many ethnic and cultural backgrounds, that Isimply couldn't put the book down. If Icould ask for anything more, it would literally be just that...more."
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    Would you like to read a sample of my writings in other genres? Download a free copy of, " WHEN ONE DOOR CLOSES" At Smashwords HERE Put in code: MP63V

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    Audio Interviews. Your Chance to Hear Me Live on Internet Radio Interviews.

    Audio Interviews. Your Chance to Hear Me Live on Internet Radio Interviews.
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    Ey Wade, Denny Jenkins, & Stash Hall 2

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    This fellow is so funny.

    1st Visit with Joey Giggles

    Second Visit With Joey Giggle's on Authors Nook

    Ey on Book Tree Radio Show

    Ey on Book Tree Radio Show
    A Saturday Night Special with John T. Willis

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