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Adding More Page to History-BEADS ON A STRING

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Yea, I'm so excited. Beads on a String-America's Racially Intertwined Biographical History is now out in paperback. As an eBook Beads on a String has received some awesome reviews from it's readers. As a nonfiction this book is published for all ages.

 “I feel that we as Americans are all equal and held together by a common thread. Like a treasured beaded necklace of different colors held together on a string, we are held together by our necessities and our circumstances and our humanity. Every color helps to make the necklace beautiful. We can never be a totally separate entity! Americans of all colors are so integrated that if we hurt one, we hurt all. Just like that necklace of treasured beads, leave one out and the gap is seen. Break the chain and many of us are lost.” What do you believe?

The Only history book of this Nature

Ever wondered what America's history would look like if every race was included in one book? Celebrated daily?

History was written in more than Black & White and Beads on a String-America’s Racially Intertwined Biographical History lauds loudly the accomplishments of all races that helped make America the great country it has become. America’s glorious multiracial history is finally acknowledged. 
Createspace ISBN/EAN13:1480250457 / 9781480250451
Paperback: $18.OO
Page Count: 486
Paperback: $18.00
eBook: $4.00
Read Excerpts/ See videos
Smashwords , Sony or Kobo,
Nook and iPad.
What Readers Are Saying
  "I really liked the fact that the author added so much more information in this book, more than you can find in the text books we get in school.
Seawitch 14 year old reader
"Ey Wade has written a unique and important book that put all racial History under one umbrella. Wade has done a tremendous job collecting information on all races, and all subjects related to them. "Beads on a String" is a piece of History that was missing until this book came out. I highly recommend this book to anyone wishing to understand more about how multiple cultures shaped the US to what it is today. Two thumbs up! " 
- Lola
 "If you enjoy reading good genuine history, which is all about people, this is the most innovative and intriguingly honest perception yet, of America's roots and growth. Ey, An amazing work - very labor intensive - and worthy of a PhD. Your index is just as intense as the text, for God's sake! Finished your book, "Beads On a String!" Perfect for home-schooling; very complete, heartwarming and winning material Thank you for giving me the opportunity to read it.
- Kathy Brown

Beads on a String is an approachable, conversational, and interactive history of diversity in America. Instead of a melting pot, Ey Wade envisions the country as a piece of jewelry where the contributions of all of the people who have immigrated here from all over the world add to the beauty of our society. It honors all of the peoples that contributed to this country in a nicely balanced way. Designed as a resource for students it suits the classroom or homeschool classroom but also is an enjoyable read for armchair historians and fans of the History Channel. It's a must read for history lovers.

I just finished Beads on A String and in all sincerity I have to say it is a work of subtle genius. Several years back I read one of the most unusual history books ever written, "The Peoples' History of the United States." Anyone who has read that revelation of history as events that really happened, as opposed to events as reported by those who were left holding the most power, will see a similar sort of understanding in this amazing work by Ey Wade. An alternative title for her work could well be, "A History of the People of the United States. I can give this work no higher compliment.

I was consistently fascinated by unexpected connections, accomplishments and contributions being added to the ongoing tapestry of our country by so many people from so many ethnic and cultural backgrounds, that I simply couldn't put the book down. If I could ask for anything more, it would literally be just that...more.

This is the story of the heroes of our collective past. What is incredibly moving is that so many of these heroes have gone unsung for so long.

I can gladly recommend this book to anyone interested in the historical journey of the land we live in. Beyond that, I can just as easily recommend it to anyone who just likes a great read. 
Johnathan Ellis


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